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Warning: Drug use

I rolled out of bed with a pounding headache. My body ached terribly, and chills ran up and down my spine. I lifted my hand to my head and rubbed my temples before being snapped out of my thoughts.

"Morning." A raspy voice said.

I groaned, "Morning." 

"How'd you sleep?"

I stood up out of bed and opened my balcony, getting hit by a gust of air, ignoring his question. His footsteps echoed behind me as he followed me out to the balcony.

"Did I do something?" He asked.

"No," I mumbled, lighting a cigarette. 

"Hm, okay." 

"I just woke up; I don't need to have a conversation right now," I say as I take a drag. 

"You just seem off, that's all." 

"Austin, drop it." I snap.

Austin shuffles in his seat and grunts. 

I lost count of the days that I hadn't spoken to Blue. I stopped going to the parties I knew Blue would attend with his girl toy. Layla told me that Savannah had started hanging out with Blue and Dani. I assume Dani recruited her into their pact since Savannah and I dislike each other. I started fucking Austin a couple of weeks ago to get my mind off everything.  


I hazily turned my head toward Austin. 

"What is this... ya know what we're doing?" Austin scratched his head.

"What do you mean." I flicked my cigarette off the balcony, not caring if it fell on anyone beneath me. 

"Well, you know, we've been doing this for a while now- I just want to know what you think about it." 

"We're fucking Austin, nothing more." 

"Yeah, but-" 

"No." I stood up and walked inside, cutting Austin off. 

I strolled into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I squatted down and started rummaging threw the bins underneath the sink. I grabbed the necessities I needed and wrapped above my elbow with a silk bandana I had. I checked the lock on the bathroom door one last time before shooting up. I dumped the rest of the heroin I had left in a plastic cap and sighed, knowing I'd have to call someone again for more. I sit down on the toilet seat, get everything ready, and check my arms for a good vein. I tap my left arm and dodge around the other track marks. I push the needle into my arm and release it. My head felt fuzzy almost instantly; I set the needle on the sink and untied my arm, letting my rear hit the toilet tank, and felt my head drop back slightly. 

"Frankie?" Austin knocks on the door.

My eyes roll to the back of my head, enjoying my high too much. I moan a bit, hoping that Austin heard my response. 

"Frankie, what are you doing?" Austin knocks again.

My head slumps to the side, and my body slightly slides off the toilet seat. I grab the side of the sink and lift myself slowly to regain balance. "Fuck off," I whisper. I grab ahold of the door handle and throw open the door leaning my arm on the frame. "What, Austin." I spit.

"What's going on?" Austin looks over my head in the bathroom. "Frankie, not this shit again."

"Oh, stop, like you couldn't tell I wasn't doing it." I turn around and stumble to clean up my mess.

Austin gulped behind me. "Why are you doing this?"

My eyes felt heavy, and my legs felt weak. I open up one of my bathroom drawers and push everything in and out of sight. "There. It's gone." 

Blue ; Timothée ChalametWhere stories live. Discover now