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Chester sighed as he laid down on the couch.
The image of him holding his mothers hands as she took her last breath was ingraved in his mind.
His fiance, Parker, noticed how distraught Chester looked and offered to take him to lunch, which he kindly refused.
"Are you sure? You still seem down.." Parker tilted his head towards Chester.
Chester felt tears prick in the corner of his eyes. "Yeah, I'm sure. Maybe tomorrow."
"Okay.." Parker left the living room and went to their room to lie down.
Now Parker was the one all distraught.
It's been two weeks since his mother passed, of course he was sad for him, but he needed to get over it eventually.
This is the same woman who abused Chester and gave him depression and anxiety, Parker didn't know how someone could do that, especially to their own child.
Parker lied flat down on the bed, his hands on his stomach.
He fluttered his eyes shut and questioned the last few days.
He tried to take his mind off Chester and his mum, he thought about what their wedding was going to be like, taking Chester out to a nice lunch soon, but, he couldn't stop thinking about his mom, how sad he must be.
'Am I a bad person?' Parker thought to himself. 'I should be there for Chester, but does he want me there?'
'He's not fine..
But neither am I.'

New book let's getti <3

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