Hikan, who was looking out the window, responded to the sound and looked at Dalia.

She also stared blankly at Hikan.

'Don't tell me?

Crack crack.

The third sound.

I think I've heard somewhere that the strength of the transcendent was enormous enough to break the handle of the carriage in half.

She raised her hand and saw the handle she held.

The hard wooden handle was cracked in half along the long side.

She turned back to see how far the crack went.

That was a mistake.

The crack stretched over from the handle to the wall behind the carriage.

As soon as Dalia turned around, the back wall of the carriage, that had been holding her back with its weight, opened wide along the crack.

At the same time, Dalia had the illusion that her body was floating.

Sadly, the couch on which Dalia sat was also close to the back wall.

As if the door were opening, the carriage couch, where Dalia was sitting, was torn out along with the back wall and fell backward.

The outside wind, leaking through the gap, scratched Dalia's cheek badly.


Dalia grasped the back of the couch with both hands.

Every time the horse stomped, the couch shook backwards and Dalia's body also shook. If I made a mistake, I thought I would be thrown out there.

There was only one person who came to mind now.

I was resentful just now, but now that the situation has come to this, he was the only one I could think of.

She looked at Hikan with only her head turned, while holding the back of the couch tightly.


In the chaotic situation, she met Hikan's eyes.

If he pulls Dalia out of here, she can live. She unknowingly reached out to him in the midst of the shaking.

And he.

Dalia looked into his eyes.

She couldn't figure out what he was thinking.

An ominous feeling engulfed her mind.

'Why did I believe that brother will save me?'

He hates Dalia.

Why does he have to do that?

Really, would she be of use to him?

Enough to reach out to her in this situation?

Maybe the hate is bigger in his heart?

Then the rattling back wall fell off completely.

The couch also reclined back. She could see the sky outside, which was not supposed to be seen indoors.

All that's left is to fall.

'No, what kind of ending is this?'

Dalia smiled in vain.

Just in case, I held out my hand like a fool, I must be out of my mind.

She raised her head.

I saw Hikan. I made eye contact with him.

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