You're not my Father

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Who are you to claim the title of my father?,
you talk about saving me,
when you didn't,
you builded and lived off of your constructed fantasies,
and now you wish to parade around acting as if you're my savior,
as if you're a God...

You talk about my mother abandoning me,
but you don't realize you've done the same thing.
You placed me in a nice place, but it doesn't mean you saved me.

I respected you, even though I didn't like you,
however, I've come to know that you don't value my opinion.

You keep returning to the past,
and if I'm being completely honest,
I pity you.

As a result, when you yell and shout,
I no longer take you seriously,
knowing that you harbor a deep hatred for me,
that will never go away.

I don't hold anything against you,
but I won't allow you to get away with it.

I won't let you spread your false lie.
To be honest, I forgave you.
But I no longer respect or like you,
and I say like rather than love because no one can love someone like you.

To be honest, having to realize at such a young age
that the mother, who was supposed to love and protect you,
abandoned you, crushed me from the inside out,
and I thought to myself, "Well, at least I have one parent left."

But now you are dead to me,
and honestly, I don't hold anything against you...

However, I stand firmly when I say you are not my father.
You are simply the vessel chosen to bring me into this world,
and despite the fact that I didn't ask to be here,
I appreciate it.

This is my last letter to you.

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