Voice of A Child

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I wish when I talked, I was not ignored.
At school they speak to me saying,
"Children have the right to a voice"
So why is it when I speak,
the teacher does not hear my voice?,
maybe I'm not loud enough...

I walk into yet another family gathering,
aimlessly walking around trying to get in on a conversation.
Why is it that they chase me away?,
never even stopping to acknowledge my presence.

I now sit in the comfort of my room, crying.
Why won't they listen?
Why do they say,
"Speak when you're spoken to?"
as if they hadn't spoken to me.

Why is it every time I try to justify myself,
they call me disrespectful.
Is it really disrespectful to defend yourself?

Does my voice really not matter?
Yes, I'm speaking to you, answer me.

Do you understand what it's like to be a child who is never heard?
People simply walk past you as if you weren't there,
and you're constantly talked over.

I tell you, it's not easy being a child,
Where has my voice gone?
If you know where it is, tell it to find me,
I'll be in my room waiting,
or, in the back of your mind,
depends on how you see it.

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