Chapter Two

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Gabriel paced up and down, keeping an eye on the princess, "You will board my ship and you will join my crew!" He said, voice filled with venom. Ashley glared at him,
"I don't take orders from pirates!" She spat the word out as though it were something poisonous. Gabriel glared back and fear leapt at her. The captain drew nearer to her, "You'll do as I say, lassy, or ye'll be meeting Jones," His tone was dangerously quiet. Whoever Jones was, Ashley wasn't too keen on meeting them. She swallowed and nodded reluctantly. Gabriel smirked, "Good girl,"

The fight on deck ceased as Gabriel led the princess out, her wrists still bound. The crew of the Nightmare cheered triumphantly. Gabriel led the princess onto his ship, his crew following him, hauling any stolen goods aboard. The princess glared at him. A woman with brown hair and blue eyes cut through the crowd to meet the captain, "Good job, captain!" She said, "I see she wasn't too much of a problem!"
Gabriel nodded, "Take her to the cabin and help her find something more... Comfortable than a ball gown,"
This took Ashley by surprise. They'd prepared a cabin for her! The woman took the rope that bound her as Gabriel gave the orders to set sail.

The cabin was, admittedly, rather nice. The porthole gave her a lovely view of the sea and there was a nice sized wardrobe, filled with clothes. The woman turned her back, "Get changed. I won't look," Her voice was clipped and brisk. The princess sighed irritably and chose some decent clothes (a plain blue shirt with a denim jacket and black trousers), "May I at least know your name?" She asked. The woman chuckled,
"Bethany Lopez. Otherwise known as the deputy of the Siren's Nightmare!" She said. Ashley felt reluctantly impressed. Deputy. She must have worked hard. But then again, hadn't she just said her name was Lopez? "Are you the captain's sister?"
"Yep! I take it upon meself to tease him!"
Ashley fell silent. She hadn't expected that response. They were pirates. Surely she'd be punished for that. Eventually she faced the deputy captain. The younger woman smiled, "Like a true pirate!"
Ashley smiled briefly before faltering, "What does he want?"
Bethany shrugged, "I ain't the one to say!"
Ashley groaned, much to the amusement of the other woman. Of course his firstmate wouldn't tell her. She was smiling. It was cheeky, "Come on, Princess," She put an emphasis on the word, "The captain will want to see you," And with that, she strode out the room, hair tossed carelessly over her shoulder. Ashley sighed. She was in no position to be defiant, she wasn't stupid. She reluctantly followed Bethany.
Mocking bows followed her. She closed her eyes, pretending not to notice, and straightened. This made the crew laugh heartily. She sighed and found Bethany outside the captain's cabin, the captain himself standing beside her. He looked her up and down. He gripped her hand and dragged her into his cabin.

"Well, malady, I'll admit, you're quite a catch!" His tone was silky, almost like a purr. He sat across from him. Ashley glared at him in response, determined not to let her fear show. This made the captain laugh, "You weren't this quiet on board what you royals like to call a ship!"
"And what's that suppose to mean?!" The princess stood. Gabriel stood too, resting the side of his cutlass on her shoulder. He smirked. His eyes sparkled, "Sit,"
Ashley did so, glaring fiercely at him, "My parents will send their army for you-!"
"Like I haven't got other armies after me!"
"-They'll hang you!"
"Whatever you say, lassy,"
Ash was outraged, "I have a name!"
Gabriel rolled his eyes, fiddling with a loose thread on his sleeve, "And your point is?" He was enjoying playing with her. Now it was Ashley's turn to roll her eyes,
"Use it!"
Gabriel laughed and, this time, it was a genuine laugh. Not the cold one she had previously heard but amused and light, "How can I use the name of someone I don't even know?"
Ashley felt a small smile tug at her lips, "Of course, I haven't introduced myself," Her smile fell, "I don't see need to with a pirate,"
Gabriel rolled his eyes, "Back with the 'filthy pirate', I see," He muttered beneath his breath. He sighed heavily and bowed his head. Ashley looked at him curiously. He seemed upset or grim. She opened her mouth to speak but thought better of it. She closed it, watching the captain. After a few moments, he raised his head again, all signs of weakness gone. Ashley spoke to break the silence,
"What is it that you want with me?"
The captain smiled, "I don't want to ruin the surprise," He brightened suddenly, "Anyways feel free to wander my ship and try to get along with the crew!" He said pleasantly, as though they were friends.

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