The Fastest Man Alive

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Y/N: This is the part where I'm supposed to do the whole intro thingy. Y/N L/N, fastest man alive, but you know all that already.

We then focus on some black smoke in Central City.

Y/N: All right, let's get to the good stuff. You see that smoke? That's a fire on Western and Third in downtown Central City.

A red streak is then seen, racing through the streets of the city.

Y/N: And that blur? That's me on my way to it. I'm going 352 miles an hour. And it's a slow day.

Fire Truck
3rd Person POV

Chief:*Into radio* This is Ladder 52.
We're still at least two minutes out.

Dispatch: People are gonna die.

Chief: I know!

The fire truck begins to shake slightly as the red streak blows past them, generating a gust of wind.

Driver: The hell?


Cisco: Y/N!

He shouts, looking at the tablet he holds in one arm, while taking a bite of the chocolate he has in the other.


Y/N: What? Did I miss it?

Cisco: *Over comms* You over shot by about six blocks.

Y/N: How the hell did I manage to do that?

Y/N said as he sped away, back towards the fire.


Cisco: You there yet?

Caitlin: What are you doing?

Cisco jumped as he turned around to see Caitlin standing at the doorway to the Cortex, quickly turning off all the monitors as he does so.

Cisco: Nothing.

Caitlin: Who are you talking to?

Cisco: No one.

Caitlin: Are you talking to Y/N?

Cisco: Who?

He asked, rubbing his chin as if he was thinking.

Caitlin: Y/N L/N? Struck by lightning, in a coma for nine months, woke up being able to run faster than the speed of sound? Ring a bell?

Cisco: Nope. Haven't talked to him.

He said shrugging his shoulders.

Y/N: *Over comms* Cisco, there's fire everywhere!

Burning Building

I ran into the fire as fast as I could, dodging the fire as I cleared people out of the building.

Starting with the bottom floor, I used my super speed to get the people a safe distance away.

Y/N: Cisco, are you still there?

Still no response.

Once I got the last person out, I was about to run back to S.T.A.R Labs, when I heard--

Woman: Paige?! My daughter! Has anyone seen my daughter?! Paige?!

I raced back into the fire and scoured every floor for Paige.

Paige: Mom? Mommy? Mommy?!

I followed the voice to Paige. When I found her, she was at the end of a hallway encased in fire.

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