Chapter 20 - Win & Fly

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     If somebody doesn't want to hear it, believe me, they won't hear it.  Michael didn't take my news of Brooke as a big deal.  Everything she said, he backed up.  Then he went as far as saying he never told me they were dating.  The older Michael got, the more stubborn he became.  And the older Michella got, the more patience was taken from me.  So I surrendered and let it be.  If he wanted a pretend girlfriend then fine.  His mistake.  I couldn't protect him forever.

     Brooke, his plastic arm wear, accompanied Michael to the 1984 Grammy's. 

     I was there with my love Mario.  He was nominated for Best New Artist.  Michael and Brooke and his other new friend, Emmanuel Lewis, sat in the front row with Quincy.  Typically I would sit with Katherine and Joseph but since I was with Mario this time around, who was becoming such a successful artist, I sat in the fourth row with him.

     "And the winner is..." 

     My hand gripped so tight around his.  Of course I wanted him to win but I was sure it would go to the Culture Club. 


     Just as I stood to my feet, my heart fell somewhere beneath me.  The camera caught our quick moment of affection before he headed off to the front of the room.  He stood up there so proudly beaming to the cheering crowd.

     I took a seat as he put his mouth towards the microphone.

     "Finally, an award Michael couldn't win," he joked as the audience laughed.  "Umm, wow.  I'm so deeply humbled.  Thank you so much to the public, my fans.  Epic for believing in me.  My beautiful lady for everything you've done to help me get to this point."

     I smiled but held back it's potential.  I was expecting to hear my name but I decided not to cry about it.

     "Everyone who worked on the single and the album."

     I then noticed how vague he was being which came off rather irritating.

     "Just everybody.  Especially all the beautiful ladies in the house tonight."

     Screams from all of his groupies filled the room as he blew them a kiss and walked off the stage. 

     Wow!  His first Grammy and he doesn't even mention his daughter!  I was cool I guess that he didn't say my name. He at least mentioned me but did he forget he had a daughter who was actually backstage with the nanny he hired!? I got up from my seat and stormed down the aisle, not caring who saw my pissy face. 

     I made my way backstage to find him in his dressing room.

     "Really?" I said as I stood across from him.  I could feel about six pairs of eyes on me but that didn't stop my stare from burning him.

     Mario asked everyone to leave except the nanny who held Michella.

     "Did you forget you have a daughter?"

     "Baby, I was so nervous I don't even remember what I said," he said giggling and walking towards me.  "I'm so sorry."  He tried to wrap his arms around me but I pushed him away.  "Nya, I'm serious. I was nervous as hell trying not to show my sweat."

     "But you remembered your groupies though."  I stole Michella from the nanny and handed my baby off to her forgetting ass daddy.  "Remember her next time!"

     I marched out of the room, thinking if there would even ever be a next time.  As I settled back into my assigned seat, I saw Michael turn towards me as I went to sit four rows behind him.  I was embarrassed.  So embarrassed. 

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