Stella Almost Accidentally Kisses Rael

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Everyone woke up to get ready for the day and leave for the trip by 8:00 a.m.

Rael was awake but still in bed not wanting to get up before there was a knock on the door. It was Rajak.

Rajak:- Rael, time to wake up.

Rael:- I'm up, In 2 minutes I will be down.

Rajak: *walks away*

Rael:- *gets up and starts getting ready*


Seira was still thinking about yesterday, Rael and Stella cooking together. Rael never cooked with her before, yes he did ask if he could help but still.

Everyone was down by now. Frankenstain was making Tea for Raizel and Raskreia. Rozaria and Claudia came to help Seira with the cooking, while the boys were arranging the table.

The children and Stella came a bit later. As soon as they reached Stella went to talk to Rael about the homework they had to do before leaving. Seira felt her blood boil seeing them together.

Seira:- ~The first thing in the morning, she runs to him to talk can't she wait or Can't she just leave him alone?~

Rajak:- ~he has been talking to her a lot lately.~

After breakfast, they all go upstairs to get ready for the trip and check the luggage for one last time to see if they have missed anything.

There was still one left before they left for the trip. Rael and Stella decided that it would be enough time for them to complete the last homework before leaving for 4 weeks.

~8:00 a.m. ~

It was time to leave for the trip everyone was very excited.

Shinwoo: It is going to be so much fun.

Yuna: Calm down, Shinwoo we haven't even gotten on the bus.

Frankenstein had arranged a bus, not just any bus a luxury bus. When the children got in they were amazed to see so much luxury. The others were loading the luggage onto the bus.

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Raizel and Raskreia sat together in the front eager to see the beautiful view outside

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Raizel and Raskreia sat together in the front eager to see the beautiful view outside. Rael sat on one of the sofas with an interesting investigation novel along with Stella beside him to his left with another novel and Seira wanted to sit with Rael but was dragged by Rozaria to sit with the others. Rajak, Karias, Ludis, Kei, Rozaria, Claudia, Regis and Seira sat around the table to play cards that Regis had brought with him.

Tao was in the driver's seat and Frankenstain was right next to him. Takeo and M-21 were sitting with the children and talking.

Yuna: principal how long will it take us to arrive at our destination?

Frankenstain: I guess, we will reach there by nightfall.

Ikhan: Let's play the board games.

Shinwoo: Agree

Everyone was enjoying themselves and having fun but there was someone concerned, Yep, Seira was looking at Rael and Stella who were sitting together and having fun reading the novels and discussing about it. Seira felt her heart stabbed by millions of needles when she saw that.

Soon, the sun was about to set so Seira, Rozaria and Claudia started to make dinner and the guys arranged the table, the table could be extended so that everyone could fit in. Tao stopped the bus for a while till they had their dinner. By midnight, they had reached their destination and Frankenstain's vacation home and were unloading their luggage from the bus. Stella was having some trouble with her luggage as it was stuck between other luggage.

Rael: Stella, You okay there?

Stella: Yeah, just need to get this luggage out *pulls and the luggage comes out with force making her fall backwards*

Rael: *tries to catch her but also falls due to the slippery mud*

Now, Stella was on top of Rael with her hands on his chest and their lips only an inch away from each other. Both were shocked and were still not moving an inch since, one wrong move and they would kiss each other. Stella hurriedly stood up and helped Rael stand up.

Stella: *blush* I....I...I'm SORRY, I never meant that to happen.

Rael: *blush* it's fine never mind that let's go inside it's already wave past bedtime you must be tired.

Stella: *nods*

Both took their respective luggage and went inside little did they know that someone was watching them the entire time and stood still shocked. Apparently, Seira had come back to get Regis's luggage that he had accidentally left on the bus, she was not expecting to see her Nightmare this close.

In the House, Frankenstain told everyone about their rooms and everyone called it a night since they were so tired after a long journey.

~Seira's room~

Seira was lying on her bed thinking about the event that happened outside.

Seira: ~has Rael's feelings changed or did he just do that because Stella is a friend?~

With so many thoughts going inside her mind she decided to get some rest after a long day and fell asleep not knowing what Nightmare she was about to have.

~Rajak's Room~

Rajak had just gotten out of the shower and had put on his night clothing when he came out of the bathroom he was met with a surprise, Luna was sitting on his bed waiting for him. Her back was turned to him.

Rajak: *shocked*

Luna: *turns around to see him shocked* *smiles* well, hello there I was waiting for you

Rajak: What are you doing here?

Luna: Well, since you found out about me there was no hiding anymore so I thought why not start getting to know each other?


Luna: And of course, since you are free for now, after going back to Lukendonia you will be busy again.

Rajak: ~What she says is right, I have time for now~

Luna smiles gets up from his bed goes near to him and puts her hands around his neck to pull him closer to her.

Luna: So, why not start telling me something about. *smiles*

Rajak: *heart flutters and smiles back*

That night for 2 hours, Rajak and Luna talked about each other and got to know that they had many things in common which made it even better for them.

For the first time, since his parents' death Rajak was able to be happy again, Yes, his brother was always there to make him smile or laugh but Luna reminded him of his mother as she had almost the same personality as his mother, something that his father loved about his mother and now knew why Rael was able to get along with Luna so well.

Rajak and Luna fell asleep together on Rajak's bed with a smile plastered on each one face. Rajak's hand to around Luna's waist and Luna's hand was on Rajak's chest.

Rael X Seira Love You Forever After Where stories live. Discover now