Children And Stella Move In To Frankenstain's House For Summer Holidays

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~2 weeks later~

It has been 2 weeks now since the school has been closed for the summer vacation.

It was a peaceful morning in Frankenstein's home, everyone had their breakfast and then went by their day.

Raizel and Raskeria were in the living room having tea.

Frankenstein was in his lab with the trio.

The Clan Leaders, Rael, Seira and Regis were in the basement training.

By 11:00 am, everyone was in the living room having Tea and talking, when suddenly there was the bell.

Tao:- Huh??? Who could it be???

M-21:- I think it's the children.

Takeo:- *gets up and goes to open the door* Oh Hi

Shinwoo:- HI, BIG BRO

Rael:- ~MY EARS!!!!! someone, please help me.~

Suyi:- Hi everyone

Rozaria:- Hello

Ludis:- Hi

Raizel + Raskeria:- *Nods*

Frankenstein:- So, what brings you here and why are you all with bags????

Ikhan:- Actually, it was Shinwoo's idea.

Shinwoo:- Mm mm..... principal can we stay at your house for the time being.

Frankenstein:- *Shocked* my house has become a guest house.

Rael:- ~SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!~

Suyi:- Could we, Sir????

Frankenstein:- of course why not. Besides your vacations have started so have some fun.

Shinwoo:- Really, Thank you

Seira:- I will show you your rooms.

Shinwoo + Ihkan + Yuna +Suyi:- *nods and follows*

The children made themselves home and started to play board games with others.

Rael secretly went to the basement to train without anyone noticing him gone as they were busy with the games.

~Training Room~

Rael:- ~Seriously, why did he allow those Idiots to stay in his house and god knows for how long they will stay here and break my eardrums? You know what let's just train and go back to the room before anyone notices me.~

Rael trained in the basement for 3 hours before leaving the room and using his speed to get to his room without anyone noticing him.

~In the Living Room~

Suyi:- Huh? Wait where is Rael???

Regis:- Must be in his room.

Ikhan:- And Stella???

Yuna;- I asked her to come and join us but she said that she wanted to read a book she just brought.

Shinwoo:- Why would you read during your holidays????

Suyi:- Not everyone is like you, Shinwoo.

Shinwoo:- Hey why are you so mean???

Ikhan:- She is right about that.

Shinwoo:- oh please as if you do anything in class.

Ikhan:- at least I do take notes on my computer rather than sleeping like you.

Yuna:- We still have to do the holiday assignments given by the teachers.

Ikhan:- Can't those teachers just leave us alone even during the holidays?

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