Science Class, Partner Up And Stella Spends More Time With Rael

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The next morning, everyone got up and got ready for school. It was the last weekday and everyone was looking forward to the weekends. After getting ready everyone went downstairs to have breakfast. Seira started to make their breakfast, while Frankenstein after serving Raizel some tea, started to make Raizel's ramen. The other went and set up the table. When the breakfast was ready Seira brought it to the dining table and everyone starts to eat, Once again Seira's cooking was delicious and they enjoyed it. After breakfast Raizel, Seira, Rael and Regis went to school followed by others who came after them and when to do their duties.

~In Classroom~

Ikhan:- Hi, Rai, Seira, Regis and Bro Rael.

Raizel+Seira:- *nods*

Regis:- Good Morning

Rael:- Morning *sighs* ~No use of telling them not to call me that~ *goes and sits down in his seat*

Stella:- *comes inside with a big smile* Good Morning Everyone

Suyi+Yuna+Ikhan:- Good Morning *smile*

Raizel:- *looking out the window*

Seira:- *glaring from the corner of her eye*

Regis:- Good Morning

Stella:- *sits beside Rael again* How are you, Rael???

Rael:- I'm good and you??? *smile a bit *

Stella:- I'm good too. *smile*

Seira:- ~Why is Rael paying more attention to her than me now???~

Mr Park came inside the classroom and the class went quiet, like a pin drop silent.

Mr Park:- Ok class, I will be taking your attendance now, your classmate Shinwoo will be absent for 2 months as his parents will be homeschooling him for a while.

Students:- ~Homeschool???!!! Looks like the teachers finally exploded, at his behaviour and gathered to talk to the principal and his parents~

After the attendance, their first period started, the first period was science and the teacher instructed them to go to the lab room, as they will be given a group project that will be added to their report card.

Everyone started to leave the class to go to the lab room. All the way there the students did not stop talking about different things.

Rael:- *annoyed look* ~Seriouly humans talk so much, doesn't their mouth or throat hurts???~

Stella:- Hey, Rael you ok???

Rael:- Ya, I'm fine.

After they reached the lab room they were met by their science teacher, the class was divided into groups with only two members in it. Raizel, Regis and Seira refused at first but after hearing that Rael was partnered up with Stella, Seira reconsider and agreed to join. Having no choice Regis also joined, and Raizel joined to see how the experiments work.

~Science Partners~

Rael and Stella

Other Students

Rael X Seira Love You Forever After Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon