I Get the Worst Grounding in History ~ Ch1

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My mother met my step-father, Angelo, at a convention in an art museum. She left me in care of my uncle, who soaked himself in so much beer, he'd sweat alcohol every ten seconds. The mans hands were made for opening beer caps.
It all happened so quickly, I remember just looking down shyly at my purple footy pajamas when mother introduced him to me.

Next thing you know, I'm in poofy dresses that they deliberately knew were too tight for me, and constantly moving as Angelo bought out every business imaginable. He once tried to buy out a science lab, but two people named Edna and Philip, stopped him. It was for the better, he had too much already.

Maybe it was all of his money or she really did love him, but I never knew what she saw in Angelo. I don't think I'll ever find out. Everyone had told me that my mom was once very happy and shined with radiance, that she met a nice guy and had me, but then my father left. Mary was then poor and with child, What happened to her? I always had a soft spot for mom, she grew colder to me as the years went by. Part of me blames Angelo, but the person I mostly blamed.

Was my father.

No, I don't blame myself...well...I kinda am hard to handle. Stop making me think about about it! I blame my father for leaving her, leaving us. And for what? A better job? Another family? What was so important? I bite my lip and pull my knees closer to my chest.

If my real father were to walk in, I wouldn't hate him for missing my birthdays, or my entire life for that matter, I'd accept the guy. But it was pretty clear, what my mother said, "He won't ever come back to us Cara! His life is far too perfect!"

I shake my head and crouch lower, this is getting ridiculous. I should just walk down there with my head held high, and flip them off when they take notice of me. I nod, and just as I'm about to walk off, she appears. Jenna Greene, my evil little sister. And that's not an exaggeration.

I wouldn't be surprised if you stopped listening right now just to make goo goo eyes at her. Mom was pregnant when Angelo proposed but didn't say anything for awhile, afraid he would leave. I snort, she really should have said something. And once Angelo found out, they got married anyway, and together they spoiled her mercilessly. I get it, she's cute and bubbly on the outside. But you haven't lived with her for seven years.

On the inside she was the spawn of Satan himself, and Angelo's a close call. When she was born I had to give my Barbies to her, my stuffed animals, my Learn to Read books. She was the new Cara, except better, because she was best friends with the old man. Better yet, she could read. Me and those books were not friends, no matter how hard I tried, my dyslexia always kicked in. But Jenna was perfect, and wasn't "troubled" like me.

Looking upon my stupid news worthy family made my heart slow. What? Sad? Jealous!? no way! I could care less about them, I'm fine just the way I am. I swallow and look away. It's not like they're even that great of a family anyway.

Clearing my thoughts, I shake my head. It was only a matter of time before they saw me, questions from other old people were quick to the point. I lean off to one side and creep down the stairs on my feet. After making sure I was out of sight, I hop off of the last three stairs and roll. Tense pain forms in my arms and legs, my head bumps once and leaves me dazed as I stand next to a walking caterer.

How nobody saw me do that, surprises me. The walking caterer looks down and raises an eyebrow, I grab his arm making him walk beside me.

"Just keep moving servant dude, nothing to see here" I whisper. He just shrugs as I guide him across the long room. Just a bit closer. The door now even closer than ever, I push the waiter aside and swoop down behind a bookshelf. I close my eyes and push my back against it, holding my breath.

A Half-Bloods Nightmare ~ Percy Jackson FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz