Avenging Her + Double Date

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Joey POV

i looked at them with a sinister smirk. As i walked into janet and grabbed her hair.

"I remember you trying to tear out her uniform but you know what? i thinked of a better one than that." i grabbed her hair and snipped some of it out. Why dont we turn you bald so you can look more uglier than you used to be. Hahahaha.

i told deedee and marky to follow my orders. Well they are nice to some girls but not those flirt and bitchfaced ones.

"i wonder who will watch this hahaha" i snipped her hair without even caring how short is it. Deedee took a video of them doing nasty things. And without hesitation i posted it in some p*rnsite.

she looked all messed up with a boyish short cut. She looks depressed with her hair being cut. Tsk like i care well deserve. Shes ugly it suits her well. (Lets just say janet is really ugly but she wears makeup but still didnt look pretty haha dsurb)

after i remembered seeing them grabbing althea's hair and made her kneel. I took off this bitch's hair and made her kneel infront of me while recording this. I shall post this so no one will accept the same fate she got.

i then left them leaving them all bruised up and being tortured well. I told my other guys to do what they ever want to do with them they molested the pretty ones and beaten the ugly one.

tsk! i remembered that kira was involve in this. Ill make her pay. But i have a better plan. something that will make her regret that she ever existed.

(ffw it was saturday morning)

Kira POV

What a wimp joey choosed over me. Im a lot more better than the girl she liked. That althea girl is getting on my nerves. Because of her joey ignored me.

i cant let that happen! i will have him back and she will be nothing but a trash!

i walked out in my vanity and applied makeup i wore my favorite red fitted dress. When i heard a knock on the door.

i opened it and i saw joey standing there fuming with rage.

"What do you want?" He said gritting his teeth.

i hold his arms and touched his body.

"You know what i want darlin" i seduced him like i used with other guys before. Seeing the joey now he is way different from the joey i know before and one things for sure i loved him even more. He became taller more of a baddass he is not a geek and that boy next door he is before.

"i want you only you return back to me" i said kissing his neck and he wiped it with his handkerchief.

i saw disgust all over his face.

"comeon joey stop playing hard to get i know you liked this too" i said as i tried to kiss him but he dodged.

"Im not here to flirt im here to give you a chance prove yourself to me besides your right i still do have a feelings with you" i smiled i knew it he still loves me (,without even knowing that deep inside joey wants to puke but he is only doing it for thea he wants to make her pay even more painful than what she expects)

i clinged on to him and leaned my head on his shoulder. But he distanced himself i dont know but he is turning cold towards me. But nevermind atleast we are now back together..

Althea POV

Today is my date with jack i prepared my outfit all i picked is a blue chippon dress with some blue heels i also had diamond earings and a light make up on. Thanks to nica i already know how to apply it. I let my wavy hair down as i walked with confidence like what monica said to me.

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