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Lots of dialogue here, I apologize xx

Luke wrings his hands anxiously, pacing around the room without even realizing it. The collar of his shirt is suffocatingly tight, so he pulls at it slightly to stop himself from dying.

5:27 p.m. reads the clock, just over a half an hour before the wedding is supposed to begin.

The last few days leading up to the wedding had been torture for Luke. What if he messes up during the ceremony? What if his partner doesn't end up wanting to get married to him and calls it off, or vise versa? What if-

"Luke, if you keep pacing like that you're going to be too tired to stand during the ceremony. Relax, honey." Luke's mom comes up behind him and rests her dainty hand on his shoulder, causing him to look down at her.

He nods wordlessly, finding a chair to sit in somewhere in the room. He feels awkward just sitting there while people he doesn't know are in the room, recording his every move.

Luke shifts uncomfortably in his chair, eyeing the door and waiting for someone to come in and tell him it's time.

Michael's just the opposite. In his room, he and his daughters are spending his remaining moments of being single dancing around to a song on the radio.

I'm getting married, he feels giddy at the thought, swinging Lacey gently back and forth while she giggles. Her curled back hair bounces as she jumps around with her little hands wrapped around Michael's index and middle fingers.

Michael's parents watch them with small smiles, glad that Michael was doing something that's making him happy. They were a little hesitant about the whole idea at first, but hearing Michael constantly talk about what his perfect match would be like, they eased up.

A knock comes to each of the boy's rooms and someone peaks inside, telling them that it's time to go.

Luke stands up with shaky hands, wiping them on his pant leg. His mom gives him a small smile and wraps her arm around his. If she knows her son, he's nervous as hell and he's mentally trying to calm himself down. The comforting gesture she offered causes him to smile slightly and relax a little, as they walk out of the room together.

A woman in a black suit leads them to the sanctuary, where both families of the pair are seated. Luke's mom walks up to the front with him, kisses his cheek, then takes her seat next to her own husband, waiting for Luke's to walk in.

Michael follows the man standing by the door out of the room, a three-year-old girl clinging to each of his arms. Their little feet work quickly to keep up with him, then stop when they reach the door. Michael's father takes the girls, before being escorted to their seats in the front.

He and his mom link arms, ready to walk down the aisle in merely minutes. Michael is to walk down the aisle, since he has the title submissive. The thought of his partner being just behind the door excites him, causing his stomach to feel funny.

The man standing by the door of the sanctuary clears his throat and Michael looks up at him. He raises an eyebrow at the twenty-six-year old and Michael nods, a smile etched on his face.

The door is pulled open and Michael can feel a bunch of eyes on him, not to mention cameras. He quickly looks up to the front of the room and locks eyes with a beautiful blonde man in a suit almost exactly like his, the feeling in his stomach tripling. All he can think is holy fuck.

Luke's eyes widen when he sees Michael, the shakiness in his hands coming back. He didn't expect to be paired with someone that handsome. The man walking towards him is absolutely breathtaking, Luke's in shock.

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