Michael's Application

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First Name*: Michael

Last Name*: Clifford

Title*: submissive

Email*: mgclifford@msn.com

City*: Hell

State*: Michigan

When is your birth date?*: Novemeber 20, 1995

Highest level of education completed?: Bachelors

What is your current occupation?: Preschool teacher

How tall are you?: 6'1

What is your current weight?: 164 lbs.

What is your ethnicity?: Caucasian

What is the best number to reach you?: 734-xxx-xxxx

What is your Skype name?: MGClifford

Please upload a recent photo (no hats or sunglasses please): *IMG_205g87*

Please upload a recent full body photo: *IMG_397h28*

What is the name of your hometown?: Detroit, Michigan

Facebook link: N/A

Twitter link: http://www.Twitter.com/mgclifford1

Instagram link: N/A

Have you ever been married before?: Yes

Do you have any children?: Yes

Ring Size?: 8

Eye color?: green

Shoe size?: 13

Hair color?: many

Languages spoken?: English and French

Pant Size/ Dress Size?: I don't like pants

Shirt Size?: M

When was your last relationship? How long did it last?: My last marriage ended 2 years ago, and lasted 2 years.

What was your childhood like? Are your parents still together? How has that impacted the way you view love?: It was normal I guess. My parents are still together, and have been for 29 years. I feel that true love does exist, I just haven't found it yet.

How would you describe your dating life? How are you going about meeting potential mates now?: Awkward and nervous.

What are the top five qualities you look for in a potential mate?: Tall, fun, quirky, patient, male.

Paint a picture of your perfect mate. (Looks, height, ethnic preference, hair, etc.): Preferably taller than me, but other than that, looks don't matter.

What are some of your deal-breakers when it comes to relationships and dating?: Smoking/Heavy drinking.

Why are you ready for marriage now?: I think that doing this gives me a better chance of finding someone I'll love than I have doing it on my own.

Describe your current living situation. Do you live alone or with roommates? Own or Rent?: Renting an apartment with my two daughters.

Do you have any Tattoos/Piercings? (If so where/what?) Thoughts on your partner with these?: eyebrow piercing, a few tattoos. I don't care, just not too many.

What are some of your goals and dreams? How do you hope to achieve them?: Start a family with someone new and make sure that my daughters are taken care of.

Please describe your views on religion. (What's your denomination? What are your views on your partner's religion?): N/A

Are you available all day April 11th-12th, 2021? If no, please let us know of any potential conflicts: Yes.

Do you have an interview scheduled with us, or have you already been interviewed?: No.

Interested in: Males

How did you hear about this casting?: I've seen the show and I'm desperate.


I need to stop making new stories for a while lmao oops

Love you to the moon and back!!

Vanny xx

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