A flight with Azriel

Start from the beginning

"I know you were scared to death last time, Cassian's fault, but I want to take you flying", he said. Your lips parted in shock, of all things, you were not expecting that. "I know you love flying, you have always loved it and- and I miss taking you out." His gaze softened, the grin fully gone now, he went straight to the point. Something you enjoyed of him, when needed he would take time to bring news but other times he would straight to it.

You cupped his cheek, " I miss it too, Az. I don't know, maybe I was waiting for you to ask. But I knew you probably wouldn't. I didn't know if I was ready, and you know me so well. I'm not saying I was bowing in front of you and letting you decide all for me. I- you just know me, you know my fears and you are used to flying- I don't know."

You were confused, but deep down knew what you wanted, craved. Your knee started to shake, your breath missing, his hand gripped your knee, stilling its bounciness. Wariness filled his look, his grip tightened, "Love, if you're not ready", his voice shaky as he knew you were starting to spiral into your mind, a bad memory creeping up.

You shook your head, stopping the shaking as you took air into your lungs and anchored yourself with his smell and presence, "No I am. I want to go, with you",  you emphasized in the last part. "I probably won't go flying again with Cass anytime soon, but I want to."

Cassian had messed with you, a couple months ago. You were joking and fooling around as he was taking you back from the Illyrian mountains, from an unpleasant meeting. The wind was so strong that it had made him tip you. A breathless laugh had escaped your lips and he had done it again and again, trying to bring a smile to your lips. But the wind got stronger and he had lost his grip, making you fall from his arms. You had been in free fall for only a couple of moments, but it had been enough. By the time he had caught you, you were a mess of tears, a bunch of horrible memories creeping into your mind. Azriel had been out that day, but when he came back, he assessed your state and put you to bed, right before unleashing hell upon Cassian, the latter ending up in a bloody mess, Rhysand getting a few punches in as well. The guys had been a bloody mess, both of them terrified of what had happened and furious with Cassian, but had understood the reason behind him doing such things. He had only wanted to see you happy. You loved and had forgiven the big guy, but you had been scared from flying ever since. Rhysand had to winnow you and Az everywhere, him refusing to leave your side, not unusual. In the short moments when you were falling, your powers had failed you, out of fear you had been impuissant. They were now alright, never stopped working, but you were still scared that they would fail you once again.

"Good, I missed it. But you know that I would have never forced you, right? Neither would I have ever done something like that?" His eyes softly gazed into yours. You just pulled him closer and left a peck on his lips before kissing him harder, mumbling soft words.

You pulled away and stood. Clasping his hand into yours as you guided both of you to the balcony, your house hidden in the mountains. The view the balcony offered was majestic, the stars shining above you. A soft wind made shivers climb across your skin. The city of Velaris at your feet, his arms circled around you as he kissed your cheek. Letting you enjoy the moment and just breathe.

After a moment, you twisted in his arms, he slacked his grip of an inch to let you face him. You rose to your toes and kissed him as you roamed your hands up his torso and wrapped them around his neck. Only now did you realize the meaning of why he was dressed up, he would never leave dressed any other way when you were with him, sometimes putting the leather away when you were your family, the inner circle, but rarely. He always wanted to be ready.

He gripped your thighs, pulled you up and switched around you so you were nestled against his chest, his arm under your knees and the other cupping your back and waist. You did not even register when you took off, the tug you had sent to him from your side of the bond had told him you were ready, you only noticed when the breeze made you shiver. You tore your lips from his, a breathless sigh as you took in the scenery. A moment later you felt all warm as Az heated you up.

His wings were sprawled open, batting as he pushed you both upper in the sky. A grin of his lips as he watched you twist in his hold to observe it all. He glided across the night sky, under the stars all was peaceful. All was right.

He chuckled in your ears as he watched your amusement, a tear of happiness slid down your cheek as he dipped and the wind rushed on your face, you had missed this so much. From afar you could hear the music from the streets of Velaris, you could see the citizens enjoying life, some dining and some dancing around.

"Thank you", you whispered to him.

"Anytime, love. I'm glad you're here with me. I love you so much"

You nestled closer to him, kissing his cheek as he squeezed you, "I love you"

You turned your head back as you soared back, flying around a distant mountain, snow covering it. "You want to do it?"

"Please", you said as you heard his thoughts and you gazed into his beautiful and glittery eyes, full of joy. He had missed this too, it seemed.

He softly slowed down to position you. You were lowered and he only held your sides by the extent of his arms as you dangled in the air. You straightened your legs and parted your arms, a wide smile on your face. He had been uneasy when you first suggested this position years ago, he was scared something would happen, as if your mate would even let anything happen. But it turned out Az loved it just as much, he still prefered to have you close to his chest, so that he could kiss your neck and feel your heartbeat. But he also loved to have you dangle that way, it was as if you had wings of your own and you both flew into the night. You sometimes envied that, sometimes you wished you could fly beside him, you wished you had your own wings. But you much preferred when he carried you, he also adored that fact.

You spent the rest of the night that way, his hands tightly gripping you, his chuckles vibrating through you and he watched you enjoy it even more than before, if that was possible. He would bring you close to the water, your fingertips dragging across the water. Flying above the shops and the music, laughing into oblivion. Love, love was all you felt all throughout the night. When you were done, he brought you to bed. Giving you his everything, every trust and every lick, until you succumbed to sleep, exhausted.

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