CatVi headcannons!

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This was a request! And I'm glad for it because I had loads about them-

•vi breaks in all the time even though she welcome at Caitlyn house

•Vi and Caitlyn go to the painting of everyone and leave flowers in memory

•vi will tackle hug Caitlyn while she is at work

•Caitlyn messes around with vi's hair and vi hates it but he reactions are truly priceless

•they both love just snuggling up

•Caitlyn comes up with the most creative and seductive pickup lines but vi never seems to get it

•vi always loves to lean in close and go "yoru hit cupcake" because it makes Caitlyn dead flustered

•Vi is very awkward around caitlyns mum but caitlyns mum is just like "she is strong. She can take care of a daughter."

•vi is still trying to convince to have the weird little anchovies that she got when she got out of prison

•vi will scream about how much she loves Caitlyn but then Caitlyn is all like "ohmygodvipleaseiknowyoulovemequietdown"

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