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After shedding tears for a while, Boma managed to put herself together and sat down on the immaculately tiled floor. It felt cold because of the air-conditioning.

At the same time, the burning ache on her bum intensified, so she quickly rose to her feet.

Her eyes scanned the ornately decorated bedroom. She was looking for nothing in particular. She had nothing to do and had no choice but to observe her environment.

Nothing in the fancy decor interested her. She wanted to return to her hostel but she knew she was stuck there. Slowly, she let herself wander around the room.

She saw his engineering kits stacked neatly on a large table. His books occupied a shelf with enough room left for more books. His timetable was plastered on the wall before his reading table.

Several pictures of him posing with his friends were on the wall. There was a family portrait with him, a little girl and boy of about 10 who had his eyes and a pretty girl around sixteen or maybe eighteen. This one had brown eyes. They must be his younger siblings.

Boma observed his parents. Donovan had gotten his eyes from his mother. His father's eyes looked brown. His family looked affluent. It didn't surprise her.

She checked the time on the clock which told her it was 10:00 pm. She remembered her phone and realized it was probably in her bag in his car.

Donovan had dragged her out unceremoniously, hence she was no longer sure where she had dropped the bag.

She walked over to the door and tried to open it, only to realize that it was locked. Shocked, she took a step back. Then she stepped forward and tried it again as if for confirmation. It was indeed, locked.

Why would he lock her inside? It wasn't as if she could leave the house without his permission. He had already succeeded in instilling the fear of trying such a thing in her.

Right now, all she needed was her phone, so she could be in touch with the world familiar to her-her friends and family.

She started pounding on the door, hoping someone would come and open the door.

She tried a few times before she heard footsteps approach. Then she stepped back as she heard the door being opened from outside.

When it was opened, she came face to face with one of his boys, Phillip. She knew he was bad too but he seemed like he could be a nice person. Presently he looked stoic with an unlit cigarette in his hand.

"Can I help you with something?" He asked.

Boma decided to forget her bag and aim for a bigger request.

"I need to go back to my hostel. I can't sleep here."

She remembered that her bag was also important. "And I think I forgot my bag in his car." She added.

"Well, that is not possible. I don't want any trouble."

"Where is he?"

"He stepped out. Please kindly wait for him."

"Do you enjoy doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"Helping him hurt people?"

"If you have nothing else to say, I will leave and pretend I didn't hear that, so I don't feel obligated to tell him."

"You speak well for a criminal." She didn't know how those words had come to her but she couldn't control blurting them out.

"Thanks." He responded with sarcasm and turned to go.

"Wait." She said quickly, realizing she would not be able to get her way.

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