Chapter Fourteen

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I sat on the couch, my feet propped on the coffee table and vegetated while watching Speed Buggy. Tissues surrounded our island of sickness and I sniffled for the millionth time that morning.

My nose was so red that I expected a call from Santa come Christmas.

Gavin laid next to me with his legs tucked behind my back. Lumpy and uncomfortable. It had been two days and we had no hope of recovering any time soon.

I stared at his royal sickness. When he didn't notice my discomfort, I spoke up. "Could you please move your legs?"


China. Where do you think you overgrown- "Not behind me for starters."

Gavin groaned as if I was bothering him. Then, he curled his legs up and I slid back to my rightful place.

"Now what?"

I raised an eyebrow and patted my empty lap. He didn't complain.

His thick red plaid pajama pants would prevent another fever chill.

Just when I got comfortable, there was a knock on the front door. I groaned but Gavin saved me from the next inevitable head rush.

He shuffled across the living room with his unfinished back tattoo flexing as he walked. The singed wings promised to be my favorite yet.

Apart from the barbed wire leading to his-

"Fiona dropped off the goods." He said in the entryway.

Then, Fiona's voice echoed through the apartment. "Hi, Meg!"

I greeted her with my hoarse voice and a smile creeping onto my face.

"Feel better," she commanded. "Lay off of sucking my cousin's dick, will ya? Your voice sounds awful."

I snickered.

Gavin stammered over his words before settling on, "Thanks for the jello, Fi. But you need to go before I cough on you."

"You wouldn't."

"Oh," he threatened. "I would."

"Alright, alright." I pictured her throwing her hands in the air in mock surrender. She must have been halfway down the hall when she screamed, "Just remember, buddy. Safe sex is the best sex."


When Gavin returned with bags in his hands, he was blushing. "Sorry about her."

I shrugged. "I like her."

He smiled and placed the spoils on the coffee table. We dug through our supplies with excitement.

Jello? Check.

Nyquil? Check.

Tissues? Check.

Condoms? Ch-


Gavin huffed at the sight of Fiona's latest joke.

I lifted the twenty-four pack off of the table and tossed them onto his lap. "Those are for you, pal."

He tried to argue but I continued, "Wrap it before you tap it."

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

I paused and then quipped, "Actually, I prefer it when you don't."

Gavin's eyes widened; before he could combust, he reached for the Nyquil and shook it. "Time for some of this."


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