I have to admit, I didn't expect her to come up with this idea. I didn't think she even had the confidence in her to say something like that. Admit to wanting to have sex with me.

The thought almost made me smirk.

But I was still in business at the moment, in the main office, working along everybody else on Luciano. I cant let myself get distracted by Elodie just yet, but the time will come.

She'll be my personal distraction when I need it. And I crave hearing her voice, whimpering and moaning with desire as I fill her with pleasure, giving me my own.

Stopping the thought, I go back to Luciano. I hate having to bring my focus to him when I'd much rather have it on better things, but I have to look into the current information on him and where he's been seen.

My workers sent me the stuff on the two locations he's been noticed in and so I've decided to take a look.

The first one is a bar out in the countryside somewhere, in a pretty barren and rural place. I guess if he wants to stay in hiding longer, that's where he'll have to stick to for a while. Hidden places and corners.

The second place is different. Not so secretive, being somewhere in a busy place in Italy. It was in larger, well known, night club. Or well, night club plus strip club. Though, by that I'm not surprised.

I'll give him that, since in a way, I guess he's hiding in plain sight.

Careless he is.

I hope he gets even more careless when we pretend we have no idea he's alive. It's worth a try. We can go on, making him think that we think he's dead. Maybe that'll make him slip up. Oh how much I hope it fucking does.

I have the names of both bar and club, in case I need the information over the remainder of the month. Ultimately, if everything goes like planned, we'll be in Italy in the next three to four weeks to prepare and attack.

I don't need to worry about the trip there yet, since I'm not entirely sure it'll go through.

I close up my laptop after I've finished looking over the locations and additional information the others had sent in for me, then get up from my desk with it under my arm.

As I'm walking towards the door, I notice Simon sitting to my left, on his laptop, with his headphones on. He's violently clicking the keys, hitting each one with enough force it could bounce off of the keyboard.

God he pisses me off. This is a work room. A main office where people are currently handling a situation and he's playing some stupid fucking game?

I avert my path and head to his desk, ready to slam the laptop shut again, hoping it'd smash in the process. Fortunately for him, he realises me and mutters something before going back to his violent clicking, then stopping and shutting his laptop closed.

"You are not doing that again. I saved the motherfucking game Harlow-"

"Why the fuck are you even here? Because I'm sure your not working on Luciano's case, are you?" I interrupt him, placing my laptop on the desk and crossing my arms.

He shrugs, pulling his phone out of his pocket, ignoring me. I give him a few seconds, before I snatch the phone out of his hands as I see him grin at it.


I back up from his reach and read the screen. Tinder? Is he taking a joke? What the fuck-

"Give that back! I'm texting Sarah, I'm supposed to be meeting her tomorrow."

Desire  {18+}Where stories live. Discover now