"Yeah, she was really". I agreed, now beginning to walk on, along the crunchy gravel path again.

"But she would have loved the turnout". Amelia went on, "Especially him over there!".

I looked up as it was now  Amelia's turn to stop in her tracks, causing me to also stop abruptly to see someone in a long black knee length coat, standing alone beneath a very large yew tree.

"Is........ Is that Alan?". I asked, screwing up my eyes beneath the darkness of my sunglasses to try and have a more detailed look.

"He was standing right at the back of the church". Whispered Amelia.
"Obviously trying not to draw any sort of attention to himself. But I saw him and oh my Gosh, he looks so hot!".

"Amelia!". I suddenly scolded her.
"Have a bit of respect".

"Oh, Maya wouldn't mind. After all she was so very keen to get the both of you together. The very least you can now do for her is to grant those wishes!". Amelia smiled.

Although I was very pleased to see that Alan had taken the trouble to attend today, I couldn't help but to be put off by what he really wanted me to do and that was to go to the police about Amelia's boyfriend Ashcroft Jennings!
I couldn't possibly do that to her. She would never forgive me!

"I'd better go and see him".  I said, almost reluctantly.

"Get him to come to the wake".  She grinned, now letting go of my arm.
"That would be really awesome! I'll see you back there then, I'm just going to catch Marcus up. Get the lowdown on this new chap of his!".

I smiled weakly back at her. Even at a funeral, Amelia remained bubbly and lively. It was true that she didn't know Maya as well as either Marcus and I had done, but in recent months they had actually become pretty close.
That was Amelia's personality though. She was always so up beat and happy. How could I actually spoil everything for her by reporting someone she loved so very deeply to the police. She would never believe that he was even capable of the thing I was accusing him of and to her mind, I most certainly would be the one to blame for it all, not him.
I took in a deep breath and then trudged off across the rain sodden grass towards where Alan was standing.
He was staring so intently at me as I approached him that I could hardly look up.

"You look very nice".  He spoke gently, as I now stood in front of him.

"Thank you".  I said, looking down at my feet.
"But I'm afraid that my shoes may be ruined".

I could sense him smile, but I was almost too embarrassed to look at him along with the fact that I also knew what he wanted me to do regarding Ashcroft.

"Look....... I..... I haven't been to the police yet".  I blurted out very suddenly, saving him the trouble of actually asking me if I had of done.

"I wouldn't have expected you to".  He said quietly.
"Not with everything that's been going on, regarding your friend". 

A wave of relief suddenly swept over me and now I did manage to actually look up at him.

"It's been a very difficult and challenging time for you lately".  He then went on.
"You're in need of quite a bit of support from your own friends at this moment, I shouldn't wonder".

I nodded my head.
That was true enough.
It was as if he knew also, that if I were to go to the police about Ashcroft, there was a fair chance that Amelia would never speak to me ever again!

"Are you coming to the wake?". I suddenly asked him.

"Would you like me to come?".  He asked.

"Yes...... Yes..... I would. Most definitely!".  I now beamed up at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2023 ⏰

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