"Max! I was just about to call you!" Christian says.

"Hey Christian, my mom called me about you wanting to sue my dad for child abuse." Max goes straight to the point.

Christian had always known that Max doesn't beat around the bush and would straight up get to the point. He is a dutchman and that is what they are like. Max hears the Brit chuckle before he agrees on the matter.

"yeah, it was what I wanted to call you about." Christian says to Max.

"I will do it." Max says.

He knows that if he does this he will be free from his father again. he would get to live his life normally like any other driver on the grid. He wants his father to be out of his life, he has told his father once that he wanted to part ways with him for a while but his father had yelled at him and promised to hurt him bad enough so that he would never be able to get in a race car ever again. it had frightened Max.

"okay, the lawsuit is planned a week after the last race, enough time for us to gather as many evidence as possible." Christian says.

"okay, does my father know about the lawsuit?" Max asks.

He hopes that Christian tells him that his father is still clueless otherwise their best evidence about he home security footage that he knows is still in the house would be getting deleted by his father. He knows his father has never deleted any of the disks of their security of their home.

"no, why?" Christian asks.

"well if you send someone to my dad's home on Wednesday, my dad has never deleted any camera footage that has been recorded  in our house ever. It must contain all the fights and bit of abuse." Max tells Christian.

Christian mutters a fuck but composes himself as he doesn't want to see that bit of abuse Jos had put Max through but that could be the way they will win that case. He is quick to ask Max on about this.

"Okay, Wednesday?" Christian asks.

"yes, the key to the front door is under the right flower pot, the first door on your right is the little security room. it has a cabinet with every disk labelled with months of our security." Max tells his team boss.

Max knows that this will win them the case, he knows he will have to lie about how they got the security footage as he knows that anyone else but Max will go to his home. Max kind of still lives in that house as his father still tells him to go there and not go to his own home. But he also knows that he has security cameras in his own him.

"okay, I will head to your home Wednesday. You sure he won't be home?" Christian tells him.

"yeah, my dad told me he will go to Japan with his new wife and will leave on Tuesday. And if he doesn't he would text me. I also got camera footage in my home, it's located in my gaming room." Max tells him.

Christian hums in understanding, he hopes that everything will go to plan and that he gets those footages. Max still remembers all the times that his father had hurt him, Max had been beaten and yelled at the most in the house he grew up in. knowing that every single fight and abuse has been recorded in the home security that his father had installed for some unknown reason.

"I will keep you updated." Christian promises his drivers.

"okay. See you." Max tells Christian.

They hang up the phone, Max looks with his eyes up into the sky. Blinking the tears from his eyes. He doesn't want to show anyone that he is about to cry or that there is something happening that he doesn't like.

He pockets his phone before he heads back to the other drivers who are still running happily around. His mood has dropped, he doesn't want to pretend to be happy for a while. He wants to cry so badly, wanting nothing more than to scream at the air. He wants to tell someone but he doesn't want anyone to know about it either.

"is everything okay, Maxie?" Daniel asks Max.

"yeah, she just wanted to wish me a great vacation." Max lies.

Daniel gives him a look, knowing fully well that Max just lied to him but also knows that Max would never say anything about his family situation or whatever is bothering him. he knows that you shouldn't bother pressing onto the matter, it would only make him shut down more than he normally is.

Max drops onto the sand, looking at the sand. He wants this shit to be over, he knows that he should be having therapy for this but he doesn't want to talk to an therapist about this. It would mean that there is something wrong with Max. it would mean that Max is traumatised and that he is damaged way beyond the point of reparing. If he just hides it, no one will know and he won't have to come to terms with the fact that he is abused and he is damaged.

Max decides that he is going to go inside and maybe watch some tv, wanting to be left alone for a while as he doesn't want anyone to know that he has such a bad childhood or that his father was worse then just being so hard on him or being so strict. He doesn't want to face the fact that he is abused as a child. He wants to pretend to just be a arrogant and asshole of a guy and not as the abused child that has anger problems because of his father.

By the time that it had been dinner time, Max had made his way back to the beach. Having stayed up in his room for the time being. He had been crying all that time he had been in his room. he never wanted to come out of that room because he didn't want to be near anyone.

He sits with the rest, eating silently his food. Not wanting to interact with anyone. When he is done eating, he leans against his best friend and the guys he is in love with since he had first gotten into the sport. Wanting nothing more than to have him love him too.

Daniel wraps his arms around the younger boy, almost sleeping against the Aussie. He loves how much Max seems to always rely on him. Daniel always has loved how Max had always his eyes on Daniel and no other person that Max had come across, was Max ever interested in. so he has hoped that it had been the sign that Max was into Daniel. Dan knows that Max is in love with him but he knows that Max has some things on his mind.

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