Chapter five.

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It didn't take all too long before Max was completely buried in the sand, only his head being above the sand. Lando and Charles had soon joined the two children in burying Max, who seem to enjoy the tiny kids playing with them super much. They were helping the kids in turning Max into a pretty sand mermaid.

Max doesn't care at all, he could only laugh. Oliver had stolen his red bull cap and put it on his head. Chanting that he is Max Verstappen. He can't help but laugh at it, it looks cute in his eyes.

Daniel notice that Max's phone is ringing, the dutchman's mother is calling him. he picks it up.

"hey Sophie, it's Daniel." Daniel answers the phone.

"hey Daniel! Could you give me max?" she asks him.

Daniel looks at the buried boy in the sand. He heads to the group of kids that are burying Max in the sand still. Kimi looks at Daniel a bit confused and worried. He has a feeling that this isn't a happy phone call.

"it will take a moment, they buried Max in the sand." Daniel tells her. "Guys! Get Max from the sand! His mom is calling!"

Daniel shouts the last bit to the boys, they quickly help Max from the sand and they help him onto his feet. Max dusts himself of from all the sand and heads to Daniel to get his phone from him. he takes his phone from Daniel and heads a bit away from the guys.

"hey mam." Max says in Dutch to her.

"hey liefie, luister, ik had Christian aan de telefoon toe straks en hij gaat een rechtszaak spannen tegen je vader. Als je dat goed vindt natuurlijk." His mother tells him. (Hey sweetie, listen, I had Christian on the phone earlier and he's going to sue your father. If that's okay with you of course)

Max blinks for a moment. If they sue his father all the things that his father had done to him will go public. It will all be known by the people, he doesn't want that. What if they pity him, what will the drivers think of this.

"mam, hoe lief ik dit ook vind van Christian. Ik wil niet dat iemand van mijn verleden af weet. Ik wil niet dat het publiek komt wat vader me aangedaan heeft." Max says back to his mother. (Mom, as much as I love this about Christian. I don't want anyone to know about my past. I don't want the public to know what Dad did to me)

"dat snap ik liefie, maar Christian gaat er een privé zaak van maken. Alles wat er wordt gezegd en wat er aan bot komt, zal nooit buiten die rechtszaak komen anders mag Christian de mensen aanklagen die het wel doen. Hij wilt het zo privé voor je maken als het kan." His mother tells him softly. (I get that dear, but Christian is going to make it a private matter. Everything that is said and what is said will never come out of that lawsuit otherwise Christian can sue the people who do. He wants it so private make it for you if you can.)

Max sighs. If he does this, everything will be over. The texts from his father and all the shit he is putting him through will be over and Max can put this for the first time in his life passed him. he could close this chapter and let it rot somewhere in the past.

"is goed, ik zal Christian wel even bellen en het met hem door nemen." Max tells his mother. (Okay, I'll call Christian and go over it with him.)

"is goed, liefie. Heb een goeie vakantie en doe de groeten aan alle coureurs." His mother says before they hang up the phone. (Okay, sweetie. Have a nice holiday and say hi to all the drivers.)

Max looks at the list of contacts, searching for the contact of Christian. He knows that if he calls Christian and tells him that he gets the good to go, it will be a trip to hell for him. it would mean that he would have to relive all those nights and days over again before he can get on with his life. He presses on the call button and it takes two rings before Christian picks up his phone.

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