Chap 9

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It was soon getting dark with the sun slowly going down and the moon slowly coming up. They were still talking and laughing.

"I better go! I need to get home I'm sweating. I will have a shower and get pyjamas on and sleep." Spider said waving goodbye but Katsuki liked him staying and grabbed his wrists and turned him back round again "p-please stay! One night?" Katsuki said putting one finger up with a begging face and tone.

Spider sighed.

"One night? Fine" spider said and Katsuki jumped up and down and yelled in joy. "I'm gonna shower! I don't have a towel or spare pyjamas? Could I borrow?" Spider asked blushing but Katsuki couldn't see because he was blushing under neath his mask. Katsuki was slightly blushing and turned round to hide it "o-of course spider" he said and grabbed a white towel that isn't used yet and a blue t-shirt with Japanese righting on and blue shorts "here" he said passing them and putting his head down so he sees the floor. So spider doesn't see his bright red blushing face.

Spider politely took them and thanked him. He walked into the bathroom and had a shower. When Katsuki heard the water run he sat back at his desk and got out his diary and write about what's happening.

Katsuki couldn't believe me had a massive crush on his fav hero/idol. Didn't even know what he looked like. And plus, all the other people he dated had to earn his love but spider just had a different taste.

After 15 minutes of writing he write 2 massive paragraphs already. He heard the water turn off and spider step out the shower so he slipped his diary and pen back in his bag and zipped it up. He grabbed his phone and laid in bed. One hand under his sweaty blonde hairy head and one holding his phone in front of him.

Spider stepped out and he moved his phone to reveal him. Spider threw the towel in the laundry basket and walked over to him. His mask still on and in the clothes. Katsuki looked him up and down and blushed like crazy and gulped. Why was it so attracting. He saw the scratches all over him and his muscles. "Where am I gonna sleep?" Spider asked and Katsuki stood up and turned his phone off and slipped it in his pocket "in my bed....I'll sleep on the floor" Katsuki sighed but spider shook his head "let's sleep together! One night anyway" spider said blushing under neath his green mask. Katsuki blushed "yeah..." he coughed "I'm gonna shower and change" and soon Katsuki was locked in the bathroom.

Katsuki stripped off and stood under the boiling hot water that poured on his body. He washed his body with soap and his hair with shampoo. He rinsed off the soap and shampoo and just had a couple of minutes in there to enjoy the warmth.

Mean while with spider...
Spider man was bored as he was just sitting on the bed thinking about the attractive blonde he had a crush on. So attractive every time he saw him he couldn't help but blush and smile. Even the thought.

Spider stood up and explored. He was invading katsuki's privacy but wanted to explore and not like Katsuki would know.

He unzipped his bag quietly but quickly and lifted up a book. It read diary on the front and he smiled and stared. He didn't want to do this but he breathed in and out and quickly flipped through a couple of pages.

It soon said the date of today and he read:
Dear diary,
It's Katsuki Bakugou writing once again hehe. I have a crush on a green spider boy. He was so attractive and I didn't even know what he looked like but he was still perfect. Anyway, I wasn't crushing on him with the looks anyway. I don't date people because of there looks. Because of there personality and what they like and stuff. His body, height and personality is just perfect and it fits with me a lot.

I really liked him but he might not like me back so I don't really have a chance with I? Well, probably not anyway. I'm sighing just thinking of all the things we could of done. Hopefully I get a chance...hopefully fingers crossed. I can't help but smile and blush when I see him, even the thoughts. I loved him dearly, this was true love.

Spider smiled and heard the water turn off so he quickly slapped it shut and shoved it in the black bag which had a skull drawing on. He zipped it up and as soon as the door unlocked he sat backwards onto the bed and fiddled with his fingers.

The door opened with a still good looking Katsuki. He threw his towel and sat next to spider smelling better. "Hey....can I nick name you Kacchan? I can't say your name properly and fits with you" spider asked and Katsuki nodded "yay!! Kacchan" they hugged but soon got broke by a knock on katsuki's door. Spider hid in the dark bathroom and Katsuki answered the door.

It was of course Kiri and Denki.

Words : 893 <3

The spider man with green hair [bkdk fanfic]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें