Quite lacking for a hero!

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Wasn't as much fun as I hoped....

Sure did spent way too much time to watch her...

Damn I need some bleach to clean my eyes...

I hate to see that Titan again.

What does she think she is?

Why pose around when you are on watch duty...

So stupid!

She deserved to die!

After I was done with Mt. Lady, I had to go through Endeavors assigned are and I honestly expected to see Todoroki here but it was just Endeavor with a bunch of people attacking the man. Not even his other son Dabi or any other of his children were there. Just plain disappointing. I hoped to see something spectacular but was soo let down.

Still I went ahead to the next are and to the hero Death Arms. I really didn't get it. He was supposed to be a hero but calls himself DEATH arms? Like Bakugo wasn't allowet to call himself King Explosion Murderer because of the murderer part but this guy was special and allowes to have Death in his name?!

Not for long!

His days are over!

That day the trio humiliated me!

They said I couldn't be a hero!

They said I was reckless!

Tho all I did was save someone!

Isn't that what they were supposed to do?

Then why didn't they do it but let me do their work!

Honestly I am tired to do other people's work for them.

Like okay I saved the kid my bully tho I could have cared less and let him die!

The only reason I saved Kacchan was to make him live knowing he had to be saved by a quirkless kid.

By the very only one that he bullied and suicide baited.

Of course that leaves a sour taste in his mouth!

This was seriously the only reason I saved him.

Even calling hm Kacchan was just me fighting back at him my way and not with punches.

Still... I saved him did an excellent work and they said I was at fault!

Just because I was quirkless?!

What hypocrites!

Now it is time for the last one to pay for it!

It didn't take long for me to find the man and I already wasted 4 hours of the day to get here and I still had soo many thing I wanted to do. So there wasn't much time to spare at all. I quickly went to him and you won't believe what I just did?!


I would love to beat him up but...

You know...

Time is ticking!

I just have around 20 hours to get to father then his little minions and Kacchan.

Well at least I got rid of all the bullies from Aldera High and the school too.


Who would have thought putting the school on fire while I am coming over here would be fun.

Sure was a lot easier than I thought.

Why is everything nowadays heated with gas?

Well they will sure learn from this!


Let's get this over with quickly...

Let's make the man bleed out!

Best way!

He will suffer in pain while there is no one who can save him!

No ambulance will work today!

No hospital!

No healers!

I basically whisteled at him making him turn around while I was running at him with my daggers in my hand and then slid down on the ground right next to him cutting his legs making him fall to the ground.

Right after that I quickly stood up and cut right below his arm pits after he tried  to grab me and ran away.

All the cuts that I did was enough to make the man bleed out in minutes. This was how I could easily just ran away. I already waste enough time here and I had still some way to go to arrive at my fathers place.

This perso  wasn't worth wasting a lot kf time anyways.

Even a god is more worth than him.

I would personally get a pig before this bulky ass man.

So slaughtering a pig would be even better than him.

At least I could get some decent meal afterwards.

Talking about meals I was kinda getting hungry now. Too bad that there was literally no store open for me to grab something as a quick snacks. I had no other choice than to break in and get something.

It's not stealing if the laws don't work for the day after all.

After that I went back on track to go and drive my father straight to hell where he belongs for letting my mother alone.

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