"Something in me tells me that wasn't the sole reason for such thing mother, what is it?" She asked again. This time, a hint of desperation in her voice.

"I do not trust you on leading this country. If my power as a Queen can defy nature, I would command to live a permanent life just to rule over this Queendom until the end of time to ensure and maintain its desirable well-being and prevent it from crumbling." She answered without much enthusiasm in her voice.

"Thank you for answering my question mother, It certainly did clear up my mind." She said with a weak smile plastered on her face. She felt satisfied with the answer she received, but perhaps it might've hit the bullseye way too hard that it penetrated through her brain and made its way to pierce her heart. She bowed slightly before excusing herself to head towards the dining area where she found her younger sister already feasting. Perhaps she will be eating the pain and frustration away.


She was awoken from her slumber whilst the sunlight penetrated through the balcony of her lavish room. She yawned and sat up before stretching and leaving the solace of her bed and striding straight to her balcony to look over the idyllic scenery of the royal garden. The royal garden is vast beyond comprehension. It surrounds the castle thus making it a peaceful haven amid the capital. She breathed in the fresh air and laid her big doe eyes in the direction of the gardeners trimming and mowing some bushes and greeted them with a wave of her hand and a captivating smile on her delicate facial features. She strolled across the premises of the mansion for an adequate amount of time as she woke up sooner than habitual of her thus having to wait for the sumptuous smorgasbord to be served. Despite residing in different mansions, royal families live inside the walls surrounding the castle where they acquire austere security through the knight's presence. She was yearning for her older sister's presence whilst tapping her delicate feet across the hallways to navigate when she insisted to head unto her sister's bedroom and waking her up herself. She was greeted by the figure of a servant knocking on the door of her sister's bedroom when she arrived at the desired section of their mansion.

"She isn't responding isn't she?" She questioned the servant.

"I'm afraid she is not miss, I have been calling her out for a while now and zilch has reciprocated my call." She answered with utmost worry in her voice.

The princess sighed before pulling out a metal ring with dozens of keys from the gap between her dress and her chest. The servant was left flabbergasted by her action. She did not expect this action to be done by the sublime Catherine Ahelissa Shin. She stepped aside allowing the princess to gain full access to the door before beaconing her to unbolt the door with her keys in hand. She grabbed the key with a jade embedded in the middle of its Bow. Once the door was unbolted, she stepped inside the room and scanned the place to see no sign of her sister. She sighed, she had the hunch that her sister headed to the place again but she had to solidify her claim which she did just now.

"She must've ventured onto the woods yet again. I'm certain of it." she stated in a rather calm manner knowing her older sister can manage herself in those barren landscapes. A servant called her from a distance causing her to snap back from her trance and oblige to head to the dining room to consume her lavish miscellany of breakfasts.


She was hiking through the thick vegetation of the forest south of the capital.

She loved jaunting and navigating through the bushes and the trees that stretched for miles and has existed even before civilization has made its way here. Nothing was holding her nor nature back from being true to themselves in this place. The flowers are in full bloom and the trees have grown to reach a towering height. Bandits and wild animals are a threat here but she's not one to falter upon hearing their sounds resonating throughout the woods. She left her horse under the care of her good friend, Lucy Ravenor Hwang. Despite their difference in class, they were able to develop a heart-to-heart bond with each other much more than her younger sister and her as she's always astray from the path her parents have chosen for her to follow. Lucy was also alone most of the time and rather lonely in need of the company which the eldest daughter of the house of Shins, Joanne Eira Shin has given her. Joanne never cared about attending such a fete her parents along with her younger sister are certainly not missing out. She despised going to such events and trying to blend in with the Dukes/Duchess, Marquees/Marchioness, Earls/Countess, and so on not needing to be mentioned. She'd rather be combating a battalion of bandits and fighting a duel with a bear using her fist than attend such irksome gatherings with people she perceive as just as exasperating as the assembly.

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