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|| one shot : 3||

Naira's pov^

I was eating my breakfast silently while my father was in the couch with hid bitch beside him. I sighed and put the plate in the sink, grabbing my bag and goes out the house. "naira... "my father called yet I ignored him. I started walking towards the school while sneding glares at everyone who passed me. I growled remembering how mom died because of him. I sighed and just headed to school.

Once i arrived at school, students starts walking away from me. I kicked the door of my classroom making everyone look at me. I sent them some
deadly glares. "Miss naira you're late!" Our teacher scold me, I just rolled my eyes and sat at my seat which was at the back of the classroom beside the window. No one dared to sit beside
me that's why im alone, but of course I don't give a shit about it.

A student came running inside the classroom panting trying to catch his breath, once he did he looked at us then smiled. The teacher looked
at him then asked. "Are you the new student?" The guy nodded his head. "I'm kartik goenka ma'am!" He chirped and bowed politely. "It's a pleasure to meet you all!"

Girls starts whispers about how handsome he is and shits. I just rolled my eyes and looked out the window. The guy named kartik sat beside me,
everyone gasped at what he did. I glared at him as kept on smiling brightly at me. "Do you even
know who i am?" I asked Harshly. "Nope that's why im here to know you." He took his hands out for me to shake it. "I'm kartik!"

I slapped his hand away and looked out the window once again. "na... I.. Ra... Naira!" He sais looking at my I. D, i growled and walked out the classroom not giving a shit about the

eacher. Time passed and it was lunch time. I didn't mind eating and stayed at the rooftop for a moment.

I stared at the view while sitting at the edge when i heaed footsteps, i looked behind me and saw kartik sitting beside me. "You're annoying." I said looking at him annoyedly. "I am?" He asked as if he don't know that. I rolled my eyes and looled back at the view. I felt someone pat my shoulder, I looked at kartik and saw him offering me some sandwich. I raised my eyebrow and didn't accept it. "C'mon... I know you haven't eaten." He said smiling. I rolled my eyes and just take the sandwich and ate it. He chuckled and ruffles my hair. I slapped his hand away and glared at him.

Later on the bell rings signalling that it's time to go to class, but I've decided to skip classes. "Let's go, class is starting." kartik said. "You go... I don't
wanna go back." I replied. I expected he'll walk away but instead he stayed. "What are you still doing in here?" I asked. "Im staying here with you!" He replied with a smile. He stayed until we get along.

Three months later^

Months passed as i started to like him. He's always there when i needed help. He's there when i wanted to live the house so he'll let me stay at his. I wanted to tell him today that I love
him. I looked around the halls to find him. When i saw him... He was with a girl and he was happily talking to her whike hugging her. Did he got tired
of me already? I felt my heart aches... I didn't knew love can hurt you too.

He turns to me as he waved at me. Tears starts to fall in my eyes, and he noticed it as his smiled slowly changes into a frown. I run away from them, i run out the school then i blacked out,
before i did i heard someone called me.

Kartik's pov^

I saw naira cried... And it pains me to see her getting hurt. I've always love to see her smile, it was the most beautiful thing i saw, her laugh... It
was the best thing i could ever hear. She started running away from us. "Sis wait for me here." I said to the girl i am hugging, she nodded as i
started chasing naira. Before i could call her i saw her been hit by a car. "naira!!" I called out her name. I called the hospital as they carrried naira to the hospital. I followed them using my car, once i arrived there i quickly followed them to her room
but the nurse stopped me.

I waited for hours when the doctor come out. "Doctor what happened to her?! Is she alright?!" I panickly
asked. He slowly shooked his head. "Her kidneys has been destroyed into pieces... She'll die if she didn't get a transplant." He told me. I looked down
and begin to cry. I will always love you naira singhania.

After one month^

Naira's pov^

I was at the rooftop where me and kartik first get along, i stared at the view while holding the letter close to my chest as tears begun to fall from my eyes yet i kept on smiling just like he always wanted me to do. Even if it pains me I'll still do what he always love me to do. I looked at the letter and begun to read it again:

"naira, I know we didn't really know each other that well, but I've always wanted to see you happy, we've met in out elementary days but i think you
don't remember that. I like you that time yet i didn't have a guts to tell you, i mean we're still kids right? When i transferred in our school i was really happy to see you again, but it really saddens me when you became different... I can no longer see the happiness in your eyes, but i promised myself that I'm gonna make you happy no matter what. So please be happy for me...Now that I'm gone... Keep on smiling for me...

I love you...

from: kartik goenka

Hush, now my angel
I will always be with you
In your pretty smile in glow of tears,
Our cross the frosty night
I'll be there with you

i smiled as tears keep on falling from my eyes. Tomorrow was his funeral, i will always be happier for you kartik... Always...

Maybe you'll always breath in me,
Ever in my heart
All the little pieces of you
Look how they shine above
Come away with me tonight
We'll be dreaming away there

-----------------------THE END---------------------

"Pleasure of love lasts but moment. Pain of love lasts lifetime."



Annyeonghaseyo guyss!!

How was it? I know it's short but my exam is going on.
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