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This chapter is mainly about Yuji and y/n.

{ 4 𝓓𝓪𝔂𝓼 }

"So how was it" I asked the pink haired boy who sat on my bedroom floor just staring at me sitting on my bed

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"So how was it" I asked the pink haired boy who sat on my bedroom floor just staring at me sitting on my bed.

"The curses? Oh yeah easy was over with pretty quickly kinda boring the curses didn't put up a fight"

"Isn't that a good thing?" I asked with a raised brow.

"Well yeah but it's not fun if they don't fight back" he shrugged his shoulders.

Since telling Yuji about my situation we have grown so much stronger as friends so much that I feel like his a little brother in a way.

"Hey uh" I looked down into my lap and began fiddling with the strings of my hoodie "you know that favour I asked you about my last wish?"

Yuji felt pain hit him when I mentioned it "y-yes"

"If it's to much I can ask Gojo I don't want you to be anymore upset then you are or will be you know"

"No it's okay I can do it I want to do it" I could hear the strain in his voice of clearly holding back tears.

"I should of left when I found out I'm sorry Yuji I'm so sorry"

All I felt is guilt, I could of left the day I found out about it I could of gone back home and dealt with it there but no instead I decided to stay and now I've let these people grow close to me and let megumi...

Let megumi fall in love with me. Am I a horrible person? I feel like I am for letting that happen letting these people grow a friendship with me only to have that taken away.

"No I'm glad you stayed y/n I'm so glad I met you"

"I shouldn't of let him love me" I spoke softly feeling the lump in my throat grow from not letting myself cry "I wish he didn't love me"

"Am i a horrible person for letting someone fall inlove with me knowing I won't be here?"

Yuji didn't speak his head hung low "Yuji?"

It was then I realised he was crying silently. I quickly got off my bed and dropped down onto my knees infront of Yuji pulling him into a tight hug letting his tears soak my shoulder.

He couldn't speak all he could do was cry something he has been holding back a lot lately because just as y/n thought would happen Yuji was counting down the days he couldn't help it.

"No" his tears slowed enough to speak "you aren't a horrible person I'll never think that I can't speak for the others but I'm pretty sure they won't think you are a horrible person either"

"I'm sorry I really am" I mumbled into yujis hair as he held onto me not letting go.

"Don't y/n" he sobbed.

30 𝓓𝓐𝓨𝓢   { Megumi x reader }Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora