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{ 23 𝓭𝓪𝔂𝓼 }

"Ughh stop moving pillow" i groaned pulling the pillow into me closer

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"Ughh stop moving pillow" i groaned pulling the pillow into me closer. My pillow was warm today and felt abit different but not wanting to open my eyes yet because my alarm hadn't gone off I decided to just snuggle into my pillow the warmth was comforting.

An hour had past the sun began to creep through a small opening in my curtain lighting up a fraction of my room. I could hear Kugisaki shuffle around in her room next door must be almost time to get up I thought still leaving my eyes closed.

The pillow moved my eyes shot open that in-fact was not my pillow this whole time I was cuddling someone that someone being Fushiguro.. 'no no no I'm suppose to be avoiding him as much as I can!' I mentally scolded myself. Slipping out of his hold and tiptoeing across the floorboards as quiet as I could to make it to the bathroom without waking him.

"So stupid.. so freaking stupid" I said in a whisper yell to myself in the bathroom leaning my head against the bathroom mirror after getting myself ready for the day.

Fushiguro knocked on the bathroom door softly causing me to tense up abit "are you okay l/n" he asked in his sleepy voice.

I'm suppose to be staying away but his sleepy voice ran through me making me want to open the door and throw myself into his arms! no matter how hard I try I don't think I can stay away everything about him keeps pulling me in.

Opening the door he stood with slightly messy hair that was not spiked up like it is everyday it had flattened falling down his face my cheeks began to heat up at the sight of him in the morning he was so beautiful and attractive the way his hair just fell so perfectly down the sides and front of his face some strands slightly over his eyes his eyes half lidded from just waking up.

"Is there something on my face"

He caught me was all I could think I quickly regained myself and replied "no no sorry you just...just look different"

Pink faintly tinted across his cheeks as he realised his hair was not his usual style "good or bad different" he asked shyly.

"G-good" did I really just stutter..

Knock! knock!

Shit.. talk about bad timing both Fushiguro and I froze we didn't know how to react my first thought maybe if I pretend I'm still asleep and didn't hear the door whoever it is will leave thinking I'm still asleep. Fushiguro must of had the same thought he stood in the door frame of the bathroom staring at me frozen as I stared back standing in the bathroom.

Knock! Knock!

We just listened and waited not saying a word hoping they would walk away I didn't want to be caught with him in my room. But finally the light footsteps leaving my bedroom door could be heard once they could no longer be heard we both let out a breath of relief that the plan of not speaking worked.

30 𝓓𝓐𝓨𝓢   { Megumi x reader }Where stories live. Discover now