Chapter 3

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"I'll be leaving you to settle in then, if you need anything I'm a mere call away and I really do apologise I cannot show you to all the rooms in the mansion." Samuel said with a small smile as we stood by the door.

"It's alright, I understand when work calls," I smiled reassuringly," Thank you for all your help Samuel and I'll do my best to take care of this place in the same way that Mr Hill would have." I replied with a smile of my own.

"I'm sure you will, have a goodnight, Little Missy." Samuel said before he slid out of the door, leaving me alone in the mansion.

"Okay, what to do now?" I mumbled to myself as I looked around the whole place feeling a little overwhelmed now that I had the whole house to myself.

Deciding to make myself comfortable, I started to explore the whole place at my own pace. I made my way up the white spiraling staircase and walked down the hallway until I was stood outside a pair of, double wooden doors that I remember Samuel had said led to the master bedroom. Seeing as the master bedroom would be a great place to start my adventure, I grabbed the cool golden handles and pulled the doors open.

I was immediately greeted by the largest room I had ever seen in my life that I couldn't push down the feeling of awe at the size. I could definitely see myself enjoying the space.

I stepped into the room and allowed myself to marvel at the empty space in the white room that brought me a feeling of new beginnings and had me itching to start decorating. The slight smell of paint wafting in my nose had my nose tickling with allergies.

I was suddenly snapped out of my moment of mesmerisation and thought by the familiar chill as it trailed up my being and into my soul, except it was stronger than before. It felt like it was freezing my entire being from the inside rather than the slight chill from earlier.

I felt panic settle into me causing my muscles to grow tense as I considered the possibility of this house being haunted. That thought alone scared me to a point that I found myself all but jogging back downstairs and out of the door with one thought going on through my head 'tomorrow was going to be another day to explore this place because today was definitely not that day'.


"You look spooked." My twin sister, Solana teased as she got up from her chair and pulled me into an embrace.

A sigh involuntarily left my lips as I wrapped my arms around her waist to return the hug before letting go of her and taking my seat opposite of her with my bag on the vacant seat next to me.

"You have no idea." I shook my head while raising my pointer and index fingers on both hands to rub at my tense temples.

My sister and I have always scheduled sister dates at least twice a month as a means of catching up because we both know that without these little dates, we would probably only see each other once a year because of our extremely busy schedules. While I'm a PCT, Lana is a Pediatrician at the hospital so we, especially her, tend to be very busy, but it's always nice to see my sister, plus we get to meet up at our parent's house once a month.

"You're rubbing your temples." Lana stressed with a raised eyebrow that just spelled out her silent question, 'What's wrong?'.

"Yes, I am," I shrugged," I'm just tired." I lied while dropping my fingers from my head so I could rest my arms on the hard and cold wood of the square table.

Lana threw me a knowing look that just emphasised how much she didn't believe me.

"Don't give me that look." I pouted, just as the waiter stop at our table.

"Good evening ladies, my name is Derrick and I will be your waiter for the night. What can I start you with?" He smiled at us. A cute set of dimples effortlessly popped from his cheeks making him look so adorable that I had to swallow the 'awe' that was clogging my throat.

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