Jeffrey Woods (Creepypasta)

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  I plunged my hand into the endless vacuum of a bag and sighed.

  I really just want to go back home.

  I regretted agreeing to this. At the time it seemed like fun, but as soon as I entered her weird, magic backyard, I realized how exhausted I was. To say that I had been feeling down in the dumps recently would be an understatement. There's a reason I didn't really care when the girl's portal essentially blew up my homework.

  My hand moved lazily about, drifting and wandering without finding anything interesting. My fingers brushed across objects of odd textures and strange shapes, but I didn't grab ahold of anything until I felt a sharp point jab into my palm. I retracted my hand with a barely audible gasp of surprise, then, after a moment of checking my hand for blood (of which I found none), I cautiously lowered it back into the bag. After a moment of carefully digging, I found my inanimate attacker and gingerly took ahold of it with my fingertips.

  It felt smooth and skinny. I was almost certain it was a knife. I pulled it out to reveal that I was correct. It was a knife. A kitchen knife, to be exact. After a brief moment of examination, I discovered the initials J.W. carved crudely into the handle. Ironic that one would claim ownership to a knife by carving into it with a different knife.

  I took it into my other hand, now holding it properly, and held it above my head for all to see. The girl caught sight of it and gasped, a large smile immediately present on her face. She let out a slightly odd-sounding giggle and clapped her hands a few times, then held them up high in the air and clenched them both into fists. At this silent gesture, a man I was quite familiar with popped up in front of me.

  Jeff The Killer looked around for a moment in surprise from the sudden teleportation, then his eyes landed on me. His permanent smile widened, and he grinned at me with malice in his eyes. Shockingly enough, this wasn't because he desired to kill me. He just liked messing with me. Unfortunately, I was not feeling up to being messed with.

  I sighed and turned to look at the spectral door I knew would be there. As expected, it had appeared while my back was turned. I rolled my eyes and trudged towards it, knowing what to expect from my unfortunate seven minutes in captivity. I could see Jeff following me in my peripheral vision, stopping for a moment to ruffle the girl's hair with one hand as she grabbed and hugged on his other. He seemed to be eyeing me.

  I sighed and took ahold of the doorknob, having no idea what would await me in a serial killer's magic closet. Wow, now there's a sentence I never thought I'd say. Think. Astrally project. Whatever.

  I twisted the handle and pushed the door open to reveal a small room that would definitely be uncomfortable when the two of us were trapped inside. We would probably have no more than four inches between us.

  I shuddered.

  Great. Seven minutes trapped in a closet with wannabe Paul Stanley, and we're gonna be close enough for me to smell his rank, chicken salad sandwich breath the whole time. What a day.

  A small, almost undetectable giggle escaped me, but it was over as soon as it happened. Oh well. At least it did happen. My entire personality had been lackluster for quite a while now. Laughter was scarce, genuine laughter even more so.

  The room was dark, with black walls and solid wood flooring. A quick glance at the ceiling revealed that although the room looked simple enough, it was shoddy and in need of some TLC. Water damage pooled in one of the corners, and the middle sagged just enough to be noticable.

  I let go of the handle and wandered in, keeping a cautious eye on the ceiling.

  Really? This room is magic and entirely interchangeable. Why the heck does it have damage like this?

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2022 ⏰

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