Yo It Me

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  I put my hand in the strangely never-ending bag and rummaged around until I felt something...odd. I was almost like a powder of some sort. I closed my fingers around as much of it as I could and pulled it out to reveal a dark blue powder that resembled sand in texture and appearance. One of my eyebrows rose.

  "Uh...what's this?"

  I turned to the girl and held my hand out to her, trying not to spill any of it. She gasped.


  A deep chuckle sounded close to the front of the crowd and a hand rose in my peripheral vision. I turned my head to see none other than the god of mischief himself, Loki Friggason. I looked back to the little girl to see her fuming.

  "Dude, seriously?"

  He looked at her expectantly, trying not to crack a smile, and pointedly looked at the weird floating door that I definitely hadn't noticed before.

  She sighed and began to grumble under her breath. I vaguely heard the the words "dickhole" and "defenestration", but couldn't make out much beyond that.

  I glanced back at the crowd and saw more people and creatures urging us towards the door, so I complied, grabbing the girls arm and pulling her along with me, much to her dismay. She attempted to pull away from me, but I twisted the doorknob and threw her in before she could escape, holding in a laugh all the while. I jumped in after her and shut the door, noticing the very conspicuous red numbers above it. I watched them for a moment and saw that they began to count down from seven minutes as soon as the door closed.

  I turned around to look for the girl, but was met with an environment very unlike the one on the other side of the door. It was a dark green forest, filled with strong oaks and tall pines, with winding trails paved with fallen leaves and pine needles, twisting nonsensical paths to nowhere. A lone treehouse sat in the top of the tallest oak I could see. A certain little miss was clambering up the last few boards of the wooden ladder before finally disappearing inside.

  I sighed and began the fairly short trek to the disheveled, yet somehow well-kept treehouse, so reminiscent of a childhood I had never experienced. Was this her childhood?

  I arrived at the base of the tree and peered up the long, towering trunk to see a closed trapdoor at the very top of the ladder.

  I reached up and grabbed one of the wooden boards, testing the strength by hanging on it for a second before uttering a silent prayer and beginning the ascent. Each board creaked beneath my weight causing fear to strike through me, and I wondered if she had the same experience. When I finally arrived at the top, I clutched onto the board for dear life as a wind that came from nowhere whipped my hair into my face.

  "Don't look down, don't look down, don't look down..."

  I looked down.

  I gasped at the sight of a sheer drop, forty feet at least. My head whirled around and I banged on the trapdoor, praying to my God of choice that I wouldn't fall to my imminent death.


  I heard the sound of metal clanking against wood before the door swung open and a hand stretched out to me. I gladly accepted it and was soon helping the small girl hoist me through the square cut in the floor. Once I was on solid ground and the door had been shut, relieving me of the stomach-dropping sight that threatened to show exactly what I had eaten for lunch, I turned to the girl. She was staring down at the floor, fiddling with her hands.

Interdimensional Seven Minutes In heaven - An Ungodly Conglomeration FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now