Chapter 1

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  I ran a hand through my hair and tapped my pencil ardently against the book in front of me. I was currently sitting at the kitchen table doing homework. College was way worse than I thought it would be, at least when it comes to the workload. I thought today was just gonna be one boring catch-up day.

  Until seven forty-two PM.

  That was the exact time that I was knocked to the ground by a ghastly force and my hearing was blown out by an ungodly sound. My head smacked onto the wooden flooring, and I was now hearing ringing and seeing stars. I didn't even have enough time to collect my bearings before someone yanked me upright by the back of my shirt. I pulled myself out of their grip and twisted around as fast as I could, which resulted in me having to grip the edge of the table to keep from falling.

  If I have a concussion, I'm gonna be pissed.

  I lifted my head up to meet the eyes of my attacker, only to find that it wasn't an attacker at all. In fact, it was someone that I considered a friend. And that made me even angrier.

  I opened my mouth to yell some choice words to the small person before me, but she grabbed my arm before I had the chance. Immediately my body was filled with the strange sensation of floating. I began to wonder if this was what death was like. My vision was blurry, and the ringing began to sound like it would if I was underwater. Slowly, I began to fall back into reality. My vision cleared and the ringing stopped.

  I slowly released the table. I felt fine. My head didn't even hurt anymore. I lifted a hand up to gingerly inspect it for bumps, but there was nothing. I eyed the girl in front of me, but she only smiled. I lowered my hand.

  "Mind telling me why you decided to attempt my murder?"

  Her grin became sheepish. "Well, it wasn't meant to be that way. I didn't think I would open it so close to you."

  I lifted an eyebrow. "You opened a portal in my house?"

  Her smile was on full blast again. "Yup. I wanted to ask you something, if you're not busy."

  I looked to the table to see about half of my homework pages either burnt or smoldering. I sighed.

  "I guess I can just fail this class." I looked back to her. "So what's up?"

  "You wanna play Seven Minutes In Heaven?"

  I gave her a questioning look. "With who?"

  There was that sheepish grin again. "Well, everybody."

  My eyebrows flew up. "Who does 'everybody' entail?"

  "You'll just have to find out."

  I considered it for all of two seconds before slowly nodding my head, a smile of my own beginning to form.

  "How can I say no to an offer like that?"

  Her face lit up. "Great! Let's go!"

  She grabbed my arm and walked to the center of the room. I saw her close her eyes and mutter something I couldn't hear before a giant portal burst into existence. My eyes widened and I could only stare in amazement. I had never actually seen her open a portal before. It was fluctuating with purples and blues, and it looked kind of like a bubble, except it was flat rather than spherical.

  My mouth fell open in awe, and I saw her grinning proudly from the corner of my eye. I was suddenly jerked forward as she pulled my arm with her and leapt into the magical eye.


  I fell into the portal and on instinct braced for some kind of impact, but there was nothing except for that strange floating feeling again.

  I slowly opened my eyes and found myself once again looking around in wonder. It was beautiful. I was surrounded by millions of bright colors, some I had never seen before but couldn't describe even if I tried. It all had that same bubbly texture to it. It was like what you would imagine a dream looking like from the outside. The experience was over too soon, and I was pulled harshly into a new reality. I once again fell to the floor, my arm slipping from her grasp. I grunted and attempted to sit up.

  I thought I was still in her strange portal world, but I soon realized that the ground beneath me wasn't magic, but the brightest green grass I had ever seen. I stood up and looked around, and I immediately felt like falling again. I was floored by the sheer amount of people and creatures in the space. It was more than I had ever seen in my life. My mouth fell open.

  A weird-looking velvet bag appeared in front of me, apparating effortlessly. It was an odd purplish-greenish color, and bore the mark of death.

  "Welcome to Interdimensional Seven Minutes In Heaven!"


Happy New Year! I suck! Please forgive me! This will be sort of an in between book while I try to get new chapters of my Virgil X Reader out! It'll be gender neutral, and you can request a character you want a chapter for! Obviously, I'm not in every fandom, but I'll try to do research for any character you request! I love you all! Please forgive my heinous crimes!

Also the first chapter will be me, but we can ignore how egotistical that is, right?

Interdimensional Seven Minutes In heaven - An Ungodly Conglomeration FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now