🟣 ~ Seven ~ 🟣

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I dropped my bowl of cereal. When I made it up the stairs I became aware I was running. I slammed open my door and locked it. Before I could reach for my phone it started ringing.

I was shocked. Should I answer it. Who even is it? With a shaky hand I answered the phone.

"Tyler! Your smooching up a famous idol! And you didn't tell us!" Screamed a bunch of girl voices.

Before I could reply I started crying. Dang I've been crying alot this week.

All there voices overlapped each other. Some trying to comfort me. And others trying to figure out what's wrong. after a good amount of me blubbering the phone went dead with quick goodbyes.

I cried in my room for awhile. What if Aaron Z never wants to see me again. This is his first scandal! Plus I'm just a random nobody. It would have at least been easier for him if I had been somebody.

Loud banging sounded from my door. I pulled it open expecting to see my parents. They probably wanted to no what the hecks going on with the news. But to my pleasant surprise it's the gang.

We all shuffled into the room. I furiously wiped my eyes and sat on my bed.

"Alright spill the beans!" Abby said.

I took a deep breath and prepared myself.

I spent a long time telling them what happened. Between the baskets ball game to the forced kiss.

And even the braces incident. I save the best for last though. The kiss he gave me that meant we will see each other again. I added in the small topic of getting his number to.

By the end of the long explanation they were all staring at me.

"That sounds like a dream come true!" Miriam sighed.

"Yea except for when your plastered all over the news." I grumbled grumpily.

"Yea, but just imagine how famous you are now!" Abby yelled.

"Yea and just imagine how made Aaron is right now! He was probably just thrown out of the closet! A private moment was just shared online! And he probably hates me for it now!" I yelled loudly. Why didn't they see the issues!

Mei just smiled calmly at me while everyone else went silent.

"Have you called him yet?" Mei asked. I shook my head.

I figured he'd do it when he felt ready. Of more of when he felt forgiving. I bit my bottom lip tightly ightly.

The whole group let out a collective sigh.

"How about we watch the News to even see what there saying?" Priya asked.

We all nodded along and gathered around my small flat screen. When I turner it to the news Chanel we came across commercials first. Part of me was grateful, but another part of me still yearned to get it over with.

We sat and watched the news for hours. My mom occasionally brought up food. She didn't stick around for as long as she usually did. That small change in time didn't go unnoticed.

The picture was a bit blurry so you couldn't quite tell who I was. That's what most of the topics was about. Who's this mystery boy? Is he a boyfriend? Is he famous to? And many more like that.

But what horrified me the most was how people were hating on Aaron for liking boys. He can't help what gender he likes! It made my heart hurt for him.

I probably just ruined his whole entire life. I was staring blankly at the TV when the faint sound of ringing ran through my ears. I blinked slowly and answered it. I could see all the gals looking at me expectantly.

"Hey Tyler." Came a exhausted Z'Bear voice. My chin quivered.

"Hi." I stuttered out. As I took a huge breath to ready myself of all the apologizing I'm gonna have to do his voice interrupted me.

"It's not your fault at all. It's no one's fault. So don't feel like you have to apologize." His voice soothed out.

I didn't say anything in response. Mainly cause I couldn't but also there's not much I could say. Instead I just found myself sniffling. I was trying to stay strong

"Because of all the publicity this incident has gained, my label wants me to make an official statement. I don't no how they want me to do it yet."

I found myself nodding and humming along to what he said. Even though I had no idea what he was talking about.

We ended up talking a little bit longer. It was him actually just trying to convince me I'm not in trouble and he's not mad. When I asked him about the slander against his sexuality he just said it didn't bother him. I'm sure I did a bit though.

When I had hung it up the girls were staring at me with wide eyes. I just smiled weekly at them. I really didn't wanna deal with anything right now.

I had just put the dirty dishes in the sink when my mother asked me to talk. So I did. I sat down at the table and awaited the lecture. Now the picture was blurry but that didn't mean you couldn't look at me and look at the picture and not see the same thing.

"I'm glad you've finally explored that side of you. But did you really have to go and do it with a famous dude?" My mother questioned.

"Wait! You new I was gay?" I said loudly.

"Oh honey it's kinda hard not to notice when your drooling all over that Devon kid." She giggled at me.

My face lite ablaze and I began to slouch in my chair.

"It was that obvious?" I asked and she just nodded.

"Alright so what do we do about this famous kiss." She said clapping her hands together once.

"We ignore it and it goes away." I grinned. She just rolled her eyes with a laugh.

(A/N) If there is any spelling mistakes or anything like that please let me know! It's very important! Please Star and Comment, it really help's my motivation! Also I'll update the next chapter as soon as I can!

Words - 1052
Reads - 100+


BackStage (Aaron Z x Tyler Nguyen-Baker)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt