🟣 ~ Three ~ 🟣

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We got the money. All Two thousand, and some more. I was excited! All we had to do was wait till Friday night.

The night we had sold the guitar we went online and ordered the tickets. Soon everyone was picked up and sent home. We spent hours talking over the phone though. Our little group buzzing with excitement. It was crazy!

We're gonna finally see 4Town. We're gonna get backstage passes!

That night I couldn't sleep. I was so giddy. I played scenarios in my head. Ones of me getting autographs. Getting married, and even pretending my portrait was painted by Aaron Z!

The week went by terribly slow. Classes lasted forever! The only part that went by quickly was when I was distracted.

The distractions ranged from sleeping, fanboying, and hanging with the group at Pop's.

I couldn't for the life of me get the constant butterflies to stop. I was nervous.

It was Thursday now. Anytime I heard someone say anything about 4Town my stomach flipped. I couldn't get it off my mind. Everyone at school was talking about it.

Whenever I turned a corner they were talking about 4Town. Whenever I entered a class. Even during basketball practice.

Thursday Night I didn't sleep a wink. I spent three hours deciding what I should wear. Only for me to change it last second to my go to Basketball uniform.

I spent hours researching hairstyles. Playing basketball at Three in the morning to burn off the shakiness I felt. I ate breakfast early. I even managed to cram in some studying.

Though I don't think it helped with how much my mind wondered.

It was Friday morning and I'm sure I didn't look like a human. Probably a deranged zombie. The exhaustion finally caught up with me. I was falling asleep in every class. Even lunch, it's not like I could eat though. Especially with how wobbly my tummy was being.

As soon as school was over the whole gang flocked together at the gate.

"I'm so excited!" Screamed Abby.

"Just imagine seeing our Idols up close again!" Mei said loudly.

This produced the whole group to scream together. Our screaming was cut off by a loud honk from Miriam's parents truck though.

We all went our separate ways with the promise of meeting at the concert.

I was so nervous when I showed up. I had shown up a bit to early. I didn't wanna miss anything though. And thankfully everyone else had the same idea.

We had walked up to the vendor to show him our backstage passes. We were all so nervous not one of us said a word unless needed.

"Alright since you guys have backstage passes you'll all meet back here after the main show. Someone will meet you guys and escort you backstage." He said in a monotone voice.

We all nodded feverishly. We started to shuffle our way inside. On the way we picked up some merch and glow sticks. We decked ourselves out.

The crowd was defening. People of all different attributes screamed at the tops of there lungs. The loud fans screaming knocked the group out of there stupor.

Loud screams erupted from our group, joining everyone's cheers. We ran our way to the assigned spots.

We had just settled in a bit when the lights began to dim. On a big screen it began to count down.











The lights immediately turned off. The stage lights lite up. Spotlights swerved around. Screame's erupted, the five boys bodies rose from the stage.

My draw dropped and I was blown away once again by there looks. Especially Aaron Z's.

He was sporty, cool and just so awesome. Not to mention hot.

Tears pricked my eyes as there voices filled my ears. There signature song resounding off my brain.

Loud screams of the lyrics were sang. Tears were shared.

"This is so amazing!" Mei yelled.

"Yesssssss girllll!" Abby belted out.

Our arms wrapped around each other enjoying the dancing visuals on stage. Our bodies dancing together. I couldn't have been happier.

My insides bubbled the second Aaron Z came over to dance by our section. The strong urge to scream louder took over my vocals.

"Z'Bear! I love you!!!" I screamed so loud that it was clearly heard over everyone else. I felt mortified! Not only because I was so loud but because I had yelled my nickname for him! The one I've only told my friend group about!

Now everyone knows! That's wasn't the worst part though! Aaron Z's eyes turned towards me! He clearly heard me!

A huge cheeky smile formed over his lips. I could have sworn he winked to! Or maybe that's me just hoping? I couldn't tell.

I instantly slapped my hands over my mouth. The embarrassment flooded through me and before I new it I had shrunk backwards to conceal myself.

Arms wrapped around me and the screams erupted in my ears. I was staring at Aaron Z. He had gone back to his dancing and singing. The arms became more prominent.

It was my group of girls. There loud yells and screame's pulled me back to my fanboy ways.

"Oh my God, Your Z'Bear winked at you!" Priya screamed with the most enthusiasm I've seen from her for awhile.

I blinked dumbly at her. Was she serious? I didn't imagine that!

My lips quivered. My eyes watered. I began to sob. Big fat tears that I couldn't control!

I couldn't tell you how long I cried for. But I can definitely say that I was practically screaming nonsense the whole entire concert.

My brain was numb. I was hanging onto my friends like a life line. Shaking them back and forth whenever something remotely hot happened.

And in return they did the same.

My jaw tightened when the stage lights began to dim. The boys landing in break dance positions for the ending. My heart was in my throat by the end.

(A/N) If there is any spelling mistakes or anything like that please let me know! It's very important! Please Star and Comment, it really help's my motivation! Also I'll update the next chapter as soon as I can!

Words - 1052
Reads - 100+


BackStage (Aaron Z x Tyler Nguyen-Baker)Where stories live. Discover now