🟣 ~ Ten ~ 🟣

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The girls instantly started screaming and laughing. All of them tackling me into big hugs.

"That was so cute!" Abby screamed in her chaotic way. It made all of us laugh. Miriam slid up to her wiggling her eyebrows.

"So how was that heated kiss! That was like something in Priya's books!"

My only response towards Miriam was just a huff and a playful roll of the eyes.

The rest of the night went by without any trouble. Mei reveled she got a picture of me and Aaron hugging. I made her send  it to me.

We all enjoyed each other's company, watched movies, and filled up on chocolate after that.

It was the next day and I was in study hall. Mei sitting across from me working on some science project that was due today. I was about to finish writing my essay on why dragons should exist when my phone vibrated with a call.

I looked around quickly to make sure no teacher was in the library. And for once I said a silent prayer towards our teacher for making us work in the library. I quickly snatched up the blue phone and looked at the caller ID.

My face heated up as I read Z'Bears name flash on the screen. With ease I picked up the phone.

"Hello." I said feeling self conscious all the sudden.

"Hey! I was calling cause my agency wants to make a public appearance of us again. So I figured we could talk about it. I was thinking you could come to my next game coming up?" His voice responded.

I was hesitant when I answered. I didn't wanna go just cause his agency wanted me to.

"Sorry, but I don't wanna go just cause your agency wants me to." I hummed out feeling slightly salty.

"Oh, I see what you mean. Would it help if I said we go on a date afterwards? I've realized we haven't yet."

I froze, glanced around and then nodded furiously. Only to realize he can't see me.

"Yes, that'll be great!"

"Great! I'll text the date and time for the game! Bye Love you!"

"Alright, bye." The phone clicked signaling the end of the call.

Only when I put my phone down on the table did my brain register what he said. And those two word had me floating around like cupid itself!

He said he loved me! Did he even realize he did?

I guess my mood had changed drastically and was showing brightly. Cause everyone was asking me if something good happened. I had gushed about it the whole entire time we sat at Pop's.

I felt kinda bad for rattling there ears off but I needed to get it out of my system.

Every night we talked on the phone. I was waiting for him every single time to tell me he loved me but after his one slip up he never said it again. It really made me wonder if it really was a mistake. Or if he's keeping a tight lip now.

Either way I wanted to hear it again!

I watched Z dribble a basketball around the court. His team was loosing currently but I had hope and faith he'd win. I watched as he swerved through people trying to make a shot but the ball was blocked.

He was HOT right now. Sweat was dripping off of him and he was breathing hard. For some reason I found this extremely attractive. I was so busy staring at him that I practically jumped out of my seat when someone poked me.

It was Tae Young.

"Hi." He said shyly waving a bit to.

"Oh, hey! Nice to meet you!" I said giving him a hand shake. He returned it. " What brings you here?" I asked.

"I like to be here and help support his games." He hummed back. I nodded taking note of that. He managed to shimmy himself into the seat next to me. It was Aaron's but he's playing the game right now.

"He's amazing" I breathed watching him dunk. Practically landing on the guy beneath him.

"Oh, Yes!" Tae said excitedly. "He says your amazing to!" He added in. Almost like a after thought.

"Really?" I asked surprised. Tae just nodded.

"Yep! He won't stop talking about you and your braces." He giggled a bit covering his smile with his hand.

My jaw dropped, my face instantly heating remembering when his lip got stuck. I was about to open my mouth to clear the water when a loud whistle sounded.

Both our heads snapped forward to see a ref yelling at Z and his coach. All of them were yelling and arguing. My jaw tightened realizing that Z's been benched.

I watched as he stomped anger clearly on his face. He plopped down on the bench with sass and grumbled something. When he looked up his eyes made contact with mine.

He just smiled a bit and waved. Clearly he was upset with whatever happened. Dang I should really pay attention more.

"That sucks duck's." Tae said with aloud sigh. I nodded along.

"Did you see what happened by chance?" I asked. He just shook his head.

After about thirty minutes and it was confirmed that Aaron Z wouldn't be in the game anymore he came and sat by us. Good thing the other people who sat next to me emptied out earlier. He plopped down next to me spreading his sweaty arm out on the back of my chair. He didn't smell that good but it's understandable.

He placed a quick kiss on my nose and the said hi to Tae. It felt strangely domestic. Are we even dating yet? How dose it feel this normal?

We spent the rest of the night watching the game and making small talk. It was safe to say that I was now officially friends with Tae.

He was a fun dude. A bit more on the innocent side. And any time he cussed he he just used the word duck. It was hilarious! Each time I cracked up.

(A/N) If there is any spelling mistakes or anything like that please let me know! It's very important! Please Star and Comment, it really help's my motivation! Also I'll update the next chapter as soon as I can!

Words - 1066
Reads - 100+


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