🟣 ~ Two ~ 🟣

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Operation get money was a go. We had spent a whole week making as much money as we could. First we asked our parents for money.

That didn't blow over very well. The most any of us got from our parents was Thirty bucks. By the end of the first week we only managed to make One hundred and Thirty-Seven dollars. And there were only Two weeks left.

I'd be lying if I said we weren't freaking out. We still Need a Thousand. And that's alot of money!

"What are we gonna do?" Priya said in a hopeless voice.

"At this rate we're never gonna get backstage!" Cried Abby.

"Hey, we'll do it guys don't you worry!" Mei said with enough optimism to lift our hopes.

We were all sitting together during lunch. Burger day it was.

"We need a better way to get money!" I said. Everyone nodded along with me. The next Fifteen minutes was used for shooting out ideas. None of the ideas would do it though.

"What if we do a lemonade Stand?" Piped up Miriam.

"No we need something more!" Abby said loudly.

"We should do something like that. But not Lemonade! We need something better." Mei said. "What's something that everyone wants?"

"There first kiss." Priya sighed longingly.

"That's it!" Abby yelled loudly. "We can do a kissing stand!"

Everyone stared at her. Partially because it was crazy. A crazy good idea.

"Hold up! How do we even no people are gonna kiss Abby?" I said.

"Whoa! Hold up Girlfriend! Who said they were kissing me?" Abby said.

Everyone glanced at each other. And before you new it we all busted out laughing. Slapping our knees and everything.

"How about we let the customers pick who there gonna kiss?" Mei said once we all calmed down.

Everyone once again stared at each other. And before you no it everyone was going along.

"Might as well try it." Said Miriam.

By the end of the school day word had gotten around. Many people were asking about prices and everything. What kinda kisses they would be. And where the stand would be.

We didn't have time to waste. So the second school was over a mass text was sent out. We'd hold our Kissing stand in the gym. More specifically under the bleachers. And it was Ten bucks a kiss.

And surprisingly a lot of people showed up.

We were collecting Ten's like it was nothing. Kisses were flying out the windows.

We did have a few complaints about it just being pecks on the lips. But Abby yelling at them instantly fixed it.

After about Three days of hustling the kisses, we had made Four hundred exact. It was so exciting! All we had to do was come up with Seven hundred and Thirty-Seven!

Our Kissing Stand didn't last long though. By the end of the week we had only made another Two hundred. We still had around Five hundred to make! So we started exploring other means.

"What are we gonna do? The Kissing Stand died!" Abby cried. A loud sigh came from Priya. She was aimlessly munching on a cheese pizza piece.

"What if we ask Mr. Pop's for a job?" I suggested.

"We could do that, but we wouldn't make enough money in time." Mei said, tapping her chin slightly.

"We have one week! How are we gonna make Five hundred and Thirty-Seven dollars." Miriam yelled loudly, collecting some dirty looks from other customers.

"I have no idea. All I know is that this is a great opportunity! And we can't give it up!" I piped up. "We'll do anything."

"What if we go to some of the older ladies around town and help them with something? They always tip well!" Priya said quickly.

Everyone began nodding. It was the only legit plan we had. So we didn't have a choice but to do it.

We all spent the whole weekend helping older people. It was exhausting, but strangely eye opening. Priya wasn't lying when she said they tip well. All of us put together made One hundred and Fifty bucks.

We were all hanging out over at my house trying to figure out what else we could do. But it didn't last long till the regular sleepover activities happened. Hair, Nails, Makeup, and boy talk all happened within Two hours.

It was crazy how we were switching from one topic to the other. And then all the sudden Miriam said something out of the blue.

*What if we sold something?"

"What would we sell that's that expensive?" Priya said while turning a paige of a book.

"No idea, but I'm sure we could find something." Miriam hummed back.

I instantly scratched my brain for anything I could sell. I couldn't think of anything. It was all jumbled. Everything came to a stop when I thought of something suddenly.

"My guitar!" I said loudly. Everyone looked at me.

"I've never really been the musical type. That didn't stop my Ma from buying it though. She said I could do whatever I want with it. So let's sell it to my neighbor!" I said excitedly.

"Why would we sell it to your neighbor?" Mei asked. A sharp head nod coming from Abby.

"Cause he's had his eye on it for the longest time!" I said this while standing to go get it.

When I brought it back I was breathing hard from running. Guitar clasped in my hand.

"Come on!" I said loudly, practically shoving them out the door.

We showed up on my neighbors front porch. I didn't hesitate to bang on his door like a rabid animal. It was ripped open with so much force I felt wind. A tall man glared down at us.

"You wanna buy my guitar?" I said holding it up to his eyesight. I could hear everyone shuffling around behind me. The man's glare lessened, and then turned wide.

"Really?" He said in disbelief.

Yep! Just Four Hundred bucks and we'll be out of your hair!" I said quickly. He stared for a couple seconds.

"What's gotten into you? You've always said no when I offered before." He said skeptically.

"There's no more space for it in my room." I said hesitantly. He scrunched his nose and walked off. It was so sudden and abrupt that I thought it meant a no. Until he came back with cash. Exactly Four hundred dollars.

He shoved the cash in my hands and took the guitar. The large door was shut in our faces. But none of us could feel upset.

I slowly turned around with the cash in my hands. Loud screaming and crying erupted immediately in our group. We had enough money for the BackStage Passes!

(A/N) If there is any spelling mistakes or anything like that please let me know! It's very important! Please Star and Comment, it really help's my motivation! Also I'll update the next chapter as soon as I can!

Words - 1178
Reads - 100+


BackStage (Aaron Z x Tyler Nguyen-Baker)Where stories live. Discover now