🟣 ~ Five ~ 🟣

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It's been a whole two weeks and a half since the concert. During that time A question had repeated itself in my head. Dose he remember seeing me practically screaming Z'Bear? It was horrifying to think about. And the worst part is that I no he remembers. Not just because who would forget that. But because of how he signed my jersey.

In big lettering it was signed with the letters of Z'Bear. I had a heart attack. In the meanwhile the adrenaline and buzz from the concert has settled to a mere whisper.

I spent most my time trying to get better at basketball. Just in case me and Aaron Z go against each other again. Though the more days go by the less hope I hold for it.

I had started to slow down a bit more on my training and settled for hanging out with the gals when asked.

The only good thing that probably came from practicing so much is that I'm now Co Captain of the team!

Maybe I can go pro some day? That would be great! Then I'd definitely get Z'Bear's attention.

But I need to finish this test before times up. A loud sigh exited my lips.

A small folded piece of paper showed up on my desk. I sat up and looked around to see Mei staring at me intently.

She pointed towards the piece of paper and mouthed something. I opened it up trying to hide it from the teacher. He was sleeping, but just to be careful.

I opened it up only to see a question written on it. You sighed. You ok? A small smile formed on my lips and I wrote back. I'm good! Thanks for asking.

I tossed back the paper and she caught it effortlessly. Once she read it she gave me a thumbs up. I went back to the test at hand.

I'm pretty sure I flunked that test, but it's ok. I can always try again. The rest of the day went by without a hitch.

But I still felt like something was missing. Even when I went to dinner with the gals that night. I couldn't shake this feeling that I needed to do something.

By the time I had made it home the feeling was overbearing. I needed to distract myself. And so I grabbed my basketball and headed to the public court.

I was a bit glad that as I got older my parents let me stay out later. So I didn't really have to worry about the time.

By the time I had worked up a sweat I could definitely tell it was later in the night. The only sound was my heavy breathing and the squeaks of my shoes on ground.

The practice distracted me from the strange feeling I couldn't get rid off. I spent hours doing drills, jumping, running, footwork and even my hand coordination.

I pressed myself down onto the ground all the sudden feeling overheated and dizzy. I took a few minutes of breathing and thinking. It was quite clear that I needed it.

I had just started to sit up when I heard a voice.

"Oh it looks like someone's here. Do you think they'll notice me?"

I whipped my head around remembering the voice. My chin quivered as endorphins surged through me.

Instantly I was on my feet and walking towards him. He was on the phone. Alright I needed to be cool. Just be chill and don't at all freak out. But then the jersey popped in my head.

I had started walking backwards at that. Clearly embarrassed. Until his voice called out to me. He had hung up the phone

"Oh! Hey your that backstage boy!" Aaron said while snapping his fingers trying to remember my name. It crossed my mind that I didn't even really give him my name.

"It's Tyler." I hummed out trying to keep my voice steady.

"Right! Tyler! What are you doing out so late?" Z said swiveling around.

"Just practice. Why are you out here? Don't you have like your own court?"

"Yea I do." He said sheepishly. "Sometimes I like to go to places like this though. How cool is it we met again."

"It is pretty cool." I said feeling slightly special.

"Oh! We can finish our game!" He said excitedly, walking towards me.

Butterflies erupted from my stomach and I nodded obediently. Was this a dream? I couldn't tell. I was to sleepy and tired. Maybe if I pinch myself?

But before I could he was already scoring points on me.

We ran around each other. Laughing, screaming and even play wrestling. This was a dream I concluded.

My inside were bubbling excitedly as he showed off some cool footwork with the ball. He had won the game. My heart thumped loudly as I watched intently.

He tried teaching me but it was sloppy and slow. Only when he stepped into my space did I start to question if this was even a dream.

He smelt the same as last time. Just as good and scrumptious. He slowed his moves to show me better. But it only accomplished him looking even better with the slowed movements.

He looked like he was in slow motion you see in the movies. I'm pretty sure I was drooling.

He was so close to me. His breath ruffling my curly hair. Only when he leaned down to show me another truck did I take advantage of my dream.

I threw my arms over his shoulders and pulled him into a kiss. It was sloppy, uncoordinated and not at all like a kiss should be. My heart hammered in my chest as I pulled away. He tasted like mint and Marshmello all at the same time.

Only then did I realize that I'm not dreaming. He stared at me with wide eyes and a dropped mouth. Basketball bouncing away to the fence.

I felt my face burn. I was spewing out apologies and just random stuff trying to cover the fact that I just kissed him. The only reaction I got from him was a twitch of the fingers.

(A/N) If there is any spelling mistakes or anything like that please let me know! It's very important! Please Star and Comment, it really help's my motivation! Also I'll update the next chapter as soon as I can!

Words - 1079
Reads - 100+


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