Chapter 7: Going Home

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"You never disappoint Peter."Felix said, as he and Pan began to walk about in the nearby woods."Impressive."

"She loves the boy and that makes her weak."Pan seemed to just shrug."This is it. This is where we'll cast it. Worse when its done, they'll all be slaves to this new land we're making, no way of remembering who they are. A fate worse than death, might I add. Their suffering will be eternal. What she did is child's play compared to what I have in mind."

Pan now had everything he ever needed for the spell to work once Felix's heart had been crushed and added to the well, the spell slowly began to take off into the blue.

"I knew you'd win."Felix smiled."Peter Pan never fails.

"Another curse.."Mary Margeret sighed. They were all gathered outside of the vault now."It's happening all over again."

"Gold;this curse, does it work like the last one?"

"The last one was used to serve the Queen's wishes."Gold shrugged."This one will be done through Pan's desire. It is still possible to stop it."

"What?"Regina asked.

Mr. Gold went on,"Yes. By using the scroll itself. It can be undone by the person who used the scroll. You, must destroy the scroll. Both curses shall be ended but there will be a price. Instead I suggest bringing him to us, like with a spell. One that will return Pan and Henry to their own bodies."

"And once I'm back in my own body; I'll have the scroll."Henry said,"I can bring it back to you guys."

"Exactly."Mr. Gold said.

"Even you aren't powerful enough to cast such a spell,"Regina added.

"Get me the proper tool and I could be."Gold spoke.

"The black fairy's wand." Tink knew what he meant, but even saying such a thing out loud was terrifying beyond all belief for the pixie."One of the most powerful fairies that has ever existed. Well versed in dark magic. The blue fairy exiled her but before she did, she took her wand."

"Neal, Hook, Tink, and I will run back to Mother Superiors and see if we can find the wand,"David said.

"Perfect."Mr. Gold agreed."The rest of us will head back over to the shop and we'll prepare Henry for the spell."

"This was supposed to hang over your crib."Mary Margeret began to reminisce, over a unicorn thing hanging in Gold's shop once they made it back.
"I like the unicorns."

Mary Margeret sighed."Giving you up when the curse hit was the hardest thing I ever had to do."

"I know."

Mary Margeret went on,"And every time I look at you I wonder what would've happened if I hadn't had to."

"I do the same thing with Hope and Henry. Giving them the best chance. Still things would've been very different if I had decided to keep them. We would've had a life together...a normal one. You know, back in Boston or someplace else. I guess all that was just not meant to be." Seeing Belle, Hope, and Regina re-enter the room, Emma turned to Henry."You doing ok, kid?"

"Yeah...just ready to be me again."

"Not much longer, Henry. Not much longer."Mr. Gold closed the book he had been flipping through."Once we have the wand, all can go back to how it should be."

"You were..."Tink started.

Gone."Blue Fairy finished."I know but when you killed the shadow mine was returned and I was revived. You finally believed in yourself, Green. Tinker Belle, welcome back."

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