Chapter 5: Saving Henry

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"Oh god..."Emma exclaims as she joins Neal and Regina in trying to shake Henry awake but with no luck."Is he unconscious?"

"Henry...can you hear me?" Regina asked."Is he breathing?"

Pan returns to the ground behind the three. With that Emma's gaze jolts back to meet him."What the hell did you do to him?"

"Oh I didn't do anything, Emma." Pan said,"It was all Henry. He offered me his heart to his own free will."

"I'll just take it back from you." Emma starts to walk towards Pan now, wielding the sword but then Pan disappears for a moment to reappear with the box across the room.

"I don't think you have it in you."Pan went on,"Rumplestilskin didn't. Why should you?"

"Where is he?"Neal started,"What did you do?"

"Why he's right in this box."Pan stated."Safe and sound. Out of the way. Unfortunately for you,he can't hurt me anymore. Neither can you." With that;before Emma had another chance to strike,he rose to the air and flew off of Skull Rock.

"How is he?"Emma asked, her attention turning back to Henry.

"It'll be alright, Henry." Regina said,"We're going to get you home. This preservation spell will keep him in this condition for a while longer. We got to get to Pan."

"You were a lost boy."Emma started,remembering Neal's past briefly."Any clue on where he went?"

"I mean-I know where he lived,his compound."Neal began,"But..."

"That's idiotic,we all know that."Regina added."You think its stupid enough to go back? Useless."

"Ok enough."

"Don't tell me what's enough."Regina threw back."My son is dying."

"Our son."

"Right. And how am I supposed to tell Hope?"Regina asked.

"How are we,you mean.. So yes, I know how you feel."

"You have no idea what I feel."Regina added,"You have your parents. You have Hope,and this...person. You have the pirate who pides for you. You have everything and you claim to know what I feel? All I have is these kids,Hope and Henry. And I'm not about to lose Henry because if I do, then I will have lost everything."

"You're right. I don't know what you feel. You want to run the show, run it. How do we save Henry?"

"I don't know."Neal started,"Even if we can find Pan he was powerful before. With Henry's heart I don't know if we can kill him..."

"Wait.."Regina noticed as some blood remained on Emma's sword."We can. Look, he can bleed. We can hurt him. If we can hurt him,we can kill him. And we will."

The trio move Henry to meet up with the Charmings and Hope where they had planned to meet."Gold is in a box and David can never leave the island."

"Mary Margeret, that doesn't matter. I've made peace with that."David began,"What matters is Henry. How much time do we have,Regina?"

Regina shrugged. Hope fell deeper into her chest, she looked to Henry again."Maybe an hour before the preservation spell wears off. Where is he?" She leaps up from her place beside Hope on the cot, to where the lost boys are. David goes to comfort Hope while the rest follow after Regina."You won't talk, I will make you talk."

"Regina,wait."Regina had started to reach for the boy's heart, but Emma pulled her arm back."I don't think torture is our best move here. These kids have been to hell and back. We need to try something else."

"They don't respond to reason,"Regina muttered.

"Oh yeah. That's the response we want our daughter to learn from this ordeal."Neal muttered.

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