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By the time they all get back to Scott and Harry's Louis is extremely sore and exhausted. He doesn't say anything to the boys, but they can tell. Andy told them to expect Louis to be like this for some time, but it's all normal and to bring him back if his temperature gets higher than 39 degrees and they can't keep it down with medicine.

"Alright darling?" Harry asks as they settle Louis down in their bed.

Louis, is so thankful to have Harry and Scott's smells back around him and relaxes into the bed

"Yeah" Louis says as he relaxes.

Harry and Scott look on fondly

"Alright, here is your pain relief and I'll go and make you some lunch okay, would you like the TV on?" Scott asks smiling

"I feel bad you doing everything for me and I don't want the TV to annoy you" Louis says concerned

Harry and Scott sigh, they then sit on the bed opposite Louis

"Okay, you're not even supposed to be out of hospital, we will be doing everything for you and whatever guilt you're feeling is unnecessary. You're our omega Louis and we will look after you whether you're sick or not" Scott says

"This will also be your home too, Louis, eventually, and you need to feel comfortable enough to do what you feel like. If you want to watch TV, you can watch TV" Harry smiles

Louis blushes but bites his lip in response

"So, you're not going to control my TV time and what I eat and don't eat and what I take for lunch to uni, or what classes I take, or if I can go out with my friends or not?" Louis asks

"You need to get the control word out of your head, we aren't trying to control you. We will sit down and discuss all of those things and yes, you will have rules and if you break them, you'll be punished but you can help us decide those rules" Harry says

"I don't want to be punished" Louis says

"No omega wants to be punished little wolf but sometimes they need to be" Scott says gently

"What if you punish me so much because I'm a bad omega and you decide you don't want me as yours anymore" Louis asks

"That will never happen" both boys say at once

"You're not a bad omega Louis, regardless of if we have to punish you" Scott says

"Well, I'm going to just enjoy not being yours for a while, until I have my heat, because you can't punish me before that happens" Louis says sassily

"You're a menace" Harry says as he kisses Louis on the head fondly and Louis laughs

The boys are absolutely smitten at the sound and vow to produce it from Louis as much as they can.

It's a few days later when Louis is feeling better, enough to start walking around the apartment to the couch, toilet, and bed. Andy says he's improving nicely and can come off his antibiotics next week. Louis is worried about university and falling behind, he hasn't mentioned anything to Harry and Scott, but he also needs to talk about going home.

"Harry, Scott?" Louis asks as he knocks on the door to their office.

"Hey little wolf, you should have called for us, we would have come down. You can't climb the stairs alone" Scott says gently

"I didn't want to bother you" Louis says

"You're never a bother darling" Harry clarifies

Louis blushes

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