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"Louis I'm really surprised at your behavior, missing my class yesterday really wasn't the best move" Professor Dean says as he leads Louis back into his office

"I was sick" Louis defends

"Seem fine to me, just because you're omega, doesn't mean you get special treatment" Professor Dean says as they make it to the office and Professor Dean closes the door behind Louis

"I didn't ask for special treatment" Louis says

Louis doesn't have time to think before he's pushed against the wall harshly, Professor Dean towers over Louis and Louis panics.

"What did you just say" Professor Dean asks angrily, his eyes turning red

"N.n.n.nothing" Louis says

Professor Dean has a harsh hold on Louis upper body as he holds him forcefully against the wall

"Do not talk back to me Louis, ever" Professor Dean says, and he brings Louis forward before he pushes him against the wall again. The hit is harder than the first one and Louis left shoulder takes the brunt of the force, it's extremely painful and Louis winces.

"If I was your alpha, you'd be black and blue by now for how disrespectful you are" Professor Dean spits

Louis is scared, his omega begins to panic, Professor Dean let's Louis go with a push and Louis tries to regain his breathing.

"Get to work, the notes are on the table" Professor Dean spits

Louis is in complete shock and just does as he's told. His adrenalin is pumping so he doesn't register the pain his body is in.

Louis tries his hardest to concentrate and complete as much as he can from the notes, but his omega is on high alert, and it's causes him a lot of distress.

When 6pm comes around Professor Dean gets up to leave, he seems to be in a calmer mood

"You can go now Louis, be here again, tomorrow at 3" Professor Dean says

Louis doesn't even respond; he packs his things and walks as quick as he can out of the classroom. He tries his hardest to calm down before he gets to the car park and into Drew's car.

"Hey bud, what's wrong? What's happened?" Drew asks.

He can smell Louis is anxious and upset

"Oh, umm nothing I'm just stressed out over a paper I have due" Louis says

Drew looks to Louis, but Louis smiles slightly back at him, so he takes his word for it.

"Well, I'm sure if you need help Harry and Scott can look over the paper for you" Drew says

"No, it's fine" is all Louis says

The whole drive home Louis is just off and Drew notices, he tries to give off his calming pheromones to Louis and it works somewhat by the time they make it home

"Come eat Lou, it's just you me, Sammy and Amy tonight" Drew says

"I'm not hungry I might get something later" Louis says

"Louis, I will tell Andy if you don't come and eat, please" Drew says as they enter the house

Louis sighs and follows Drew to the kitchen; he doesn't want a fight.

"Hiyah kiddo" Amy says smiling as she serves up dinner

"Hi" Louis says quietly

"What's wrong Hun?" Sammy asks with a worried look on her face.

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