Chapter 1: Words Hurt More Than Actions

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"Nasty, squirmy, filthy, worthless piece of flesh!"

Words hurt more than actions, that's for sure. Although, who can say it doesn't.

Four beastmen stared me down, teeth bared, eyes shifting from me to each other. The alley was a dead end, and my sad mistake.

I had tripped a few minutes before, my palms still stinging from the cold concrete. Small trails of wind blew my hair, clinging to my sweat-soaked face.

The tension of the air was immaculate, and suddenly in unison, all of them looked over their shoulders, a grin imprinted on their devilish faces.

He's here

A sleek black muscle car swiftly blocked the only entrance of the alleyway, its rumbling engine cutting off as a tall beastman stepped out.

His hair combed meticulously back, with a suit to adorn his dashing looks.

He walked toward us, or to be more exact, me. My heartbeat increased with every step, in beat to the clicking of his heels.

"Elaira Whitlock, fancy meeting you here, love". His voice slithered out like honey, oozing into my skull as my heart fluttered with every word.

I scooted closer to the wall, the cold embrace waking me up from my trance. His expression turned from a grin to hurt quickly after analyzing my actions.

"Elaira, aren't we good friends? It hurts my heart to see you reject my warm, embrace" Chills flew down my spine, spiraling down every nerve to my feet.

As he stepped forward, my eyes slowly traveled down to his pocket and the hairs on my neck stood up.

He has a gun

He immediately noticed my alertness, glancing down at his pocket before chuckling.

With a pat at his pocket, he looked at the guys around him, a mischievous grin that could win over the hearts of any beast women who saw.

"Who calls dibs? After me of course."

My blood ran cold.

"W-What?! Let me go!" I whimpered, tears forming at the corners of my eyes. I crawled closer to the wall, hugging my legs.

I felt naked in front of their piercing gazes. The beast men all howled with laughter, snickering at my cowering appearance.

"Now, now, my sweet Elaira. You should know why I am here after all. I thought you were smarter than this."

The beast man walked closer, his giant frame looming over me as he bent down, touching a strand of my hair.

His elegant fingers grazed my cheek delicately, eyes full of sympathy. It felt strange being here. In the presence of a predator, and me being the helpless prey.

His hand slid behind my back, rubbing circles as if to pacify me. I flinched away from his touch, but he brought me closer into his lap. Tears rolled down my cheeks, holding back my cry.

The man chuckled, grabbing my chin to force me to face him. My lip trembled at his heavenly smell, all my memories of us washing back on shore for the whole world to find.

"Aw, your lip trembles just like it did all those years ago." He laughed once more, eyes soaking up my cowering image.

I pushed at his advantages, turning my head to the four beastmen who stood before us.

I remembered his words and shivered from imagining the torture I will partake in after he's gone.

What will happen to me. . .

The man who was holding me followed where my eyes led and frowned.

"Elaira, are you afraid of those beastmen? I would never let anyone touch you, you know this."

I quickly turned to him, discust written on my face.

He hasn't changed one bit, ruthless if I reject him and possessive if I accept him. I will never get away from him.

"Elaira, I only want your eyes on me, no one else. Got it?"

I nodded quickly, looking into his golden eyes.

Why are wolves always the possessive type. . .

The man noticed my dejection towards the situation and sighed.

"Elaira, why do you make me like this. . "

The man covered my eyes with his long fingers, and I could feel his reaching his other hand to his poc-



I flinched, quickly pushing his hand off, my eyes now meeting the ground. The four beastmen who had cornered me for him were now dead in a pool of their own blood.

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