Whes ma cwaffee?

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The alarm went off at five, as usual, and Y/n rushed to turn it off so it wouldn't wake Timothée. She looked at him and he was sleeping soundly. He looked like an angel sleeping. She wanted to stay there just looking at him, but she couldn't, she had to go to work. She got out of the bed and went into her bathroom. She took a quick shower. She dried her hair with the towel and brushed it. She noticed a little hickey on her collarbone and tried to conceal it. She went into the room and got dress silently. When she got to her kitchen she wrote a note to Timothée.

'Gotta go to work. If you want a free bagel you know where to go! See you, stranger! ;)'

She went into the room and left it at the nightstand under Timothée's phone. She observed him for a minute and as she was leaving he grabbed her wrist.

"No morning kiss?" Timothée mumbled yet with his eyes closed.
"Good morning, stranger!" She said kissing him on the cheek. She didn't know if they were something or not so she didn't want to take it wrongly.
"Is that how you kiss me now?" Timothée asked semi-offended. She looked at him for a bit. He grunted and pulled her to him kissing her passionately. "That's how you kiss me." He said letting her go. She felt turned on by that but she couldn't be late. Her commute was fifteen minutes, it was five thirty and she had to be there at five fifty so they could get the coffee shop ready for clients at six. She resisted.
"I gotta go, stranger. Take a shower, you need it." She said laughing.
"I like your smell on me." Timothée said with a smile while sniffing the air. She giggled and went out of the room. She looked inside the room one last time before leaving.

"Hey, girl! Tell me all the deets!" Adrien shouted as soon as Y/n arrived. "What happened yesterday?"
"We went to Tompkins Square Park to drink our coffees, we talked about having the same agent and he said we had to celebrate my achievement so we had dinner, and you won't believe it, but he took me to a y/n traditional restaurant in New Jersey!"
"Oh, you told him where you're from. The boy is trying to impress you, girl!"
"Well... He impressed me in a lot of ways last night." Y/n said with a smirk.
"Excuse me, m'am?" Adrien asked with his eyes wide opened.
Y/n blushed and giggled. "Yeah... We went to my apartment after dinner to eat dessert, not that dessert though, I made a y/n traditional dessert and I wanted him to try it. We can say we ended up having two desserts."
"You naughty bitch!" Adrien said in a higher pitch.

It was six so they opened the shop. Clients flew in and out as usual. It was seven when Y/n phone started buzzing. She looked at it and it was Brian. "Ad, I need to take this can I go back there?" Adrien nodded affirmatively. She went to the staff room and answered the phone.

"Hey Brian! How are you?"
"Hey kiddo! I'm great, what about you?"
"I'm awesome! What's going on?" She asked intrigued.
"Oh I wanted to know if you were free today at four. There's someone I want to present to you."
"Perfect! You know where Now or Never is in SoHo?"
"Maps does." She said giggling.
"Perfect! Meet you there at four then!"

She got back to the coffee shop and Timothée was there waiting for her to serve him.
"Hey, stranger! Black coffee and a bagel?" She asked smiling.
"I would rather eat something else for breakfast but a bagel sound good too." He said smirking and she blushed. "Did Brian call you already?"
"Uh... Yes.. How do you know?"
"I'm the person he wants to present to you."
Y/n stopped for a moment. Would they pretend they didn't know each other or would they let him know they did? She was afraid to ask so she was expecting Timothée to talk about it.
"What do you wanna do, dangerous territory?"
"I don't know... What do you feel like doing?" She asked fearfully.
"Let him know?" Timothée asked.
"Know what exactly?" She asked with more fear in her voice.
"Well, it depends if you're free at two." Timothée asked smiling.
Y/n was confused at what that would have to do with what she asked but she just answered "I am free from one onwards."
"Perfect! Let's have lunch together at mine then!"
Y/n handed him the coffee and the bagel.
"Okay. Text me your address."
"I'm gonna be here waiting for you." He said showing her a book. "I brought Dostoyevsky to keep me company."
"I prefer 'A Raw Youth'."
"I get where you're coming from, but 'Crime and Punishment' talks about the core moral problems of humankind."
"I agree with you, and I love it, but 'A Raw Youth' is special for me because it was the first one I read."

"Hey, Dawlin' you woking o fliting? Whes ma cwaffe?" A small woman shouted.
"Coming, Delilah!" Y/n said rolling her eyes.

At one Y/n and Timothée left the coffee shop and walked to his apartment.

Bagel's and coffee // Timothee x readerWhere stories live. Discover now