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'Did she just left me here to do some laundry?' Timothée thought to himself in disbelief. He knew what she was doing but still he was frustrated. 'She knew I would get the kisses on the cheek because I'm French right? Or was that part of the game too?'
He couldn't stop thinking about every detail he could memorize of her face. 'What is this? Cut it off, dude!' Timothée said to himself getting up of the bench. He called Brian.

"Hey, kiddo! How you doing?"
"Hey, wassup? Look i won't take you much time, I just wanted to know if you know any restaurant in New York that has traditional food from Y/c."
Brian thought this question was too random, even for Timothée, but said nothing about it.
"There's a good one in Newark, it's not in New York but it's just a thirty minute ride. I can send you the address if you want."
"Yes, please! You're a life savior!"

He hung up the phone and kept walking towards his apartment. 'Why are you so nervous? You're just as you were the first time you went to the Oscars!' Timothée thought. He was so nervous. He couldn't stop thinking what Y/n would wear, what she would thing about the restaurant, what she would choose to eat. 'How am I thinking about food that I don't even know?' The thought was interrupted by the text ring of his phone. He got the address. Brian also wrote that he made a reservation for that night at eight under the alias of Jerry Cornfield. 'This man! Y/n is so lucky for having him as her agent!' he thought while texting him thanking. He called his driver and gave him the instructions for that night.

He got to his apartment. He had some leftovers from his sister's birthday and put them in the microwave. While he waited for the food to be ready he went to his room to choose his outfit for later. He didn't know what kind of restaurant it was, if it was something fancy or more casual so he looked it up on the internet. 'Should I text Y/n saying she can dress more casually?' he asked himself but he had already started typing.

Y/n's phone rang. She was eating lunch, a chicken salad she made with some leftovers from a grilled chicken she made two days before. She picked her phone up and as soon as she saw "Stranger" in her locked screen notification bar she started shaking. She didn't even read the preview of the text, she just opened it.

'Dress more casually. See you later, Dangerous Territory!'

She smiled and squeak involuntarily. 'Is that my nickname?' she asked herself while grinning. 'I bet that's my contact name' she laughed with the thought. She put down the phone and finished eating. After making the dishes she went to her room to choose her outfit. 'Dress more casually.' she repeated in her mind. She rummaged through her closet trying to find a flower dress she loves but could find it. She looked through her laundry basket and found it. 'It looks like I really need to do some laundry.' she thought. She picked her laundry basket up and got out of her apartment. She went down the stairs to the laundry room. After four hours she had her clothes smelling fresh and clean. She went upstairs and tidied up her clothes. She had now three hours to get ready so she took a shower. She blow-dried her hair, put some light makeup on, put the dress on and chose to wear her black Dr.Martens.

While she was wanting she went on her phone and was scrolling through Instagram, until a picture showed up. It was her and Timothée leaving the coffee shop. 'Oh shit! No, no, no, no, no!' she said out loud. She read the description and people were asking if that was Timothée Chalamet and who was the girl. It was really hard to tell it was him, undoubtedly. 'I just hope it stays this way' she thought. Her thoughts were interrupted by the buzzer. She answered it and on the other side she heard a deep male voice saying it was her ride.

Bagel's and coffee // Timothee x readerWhere stories live. Discover now