Tompkins Square Park

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They found a bench that was more hidden and they sat down. They took off their masks and for a moment both were just looking at each other. Y/n felt her cheeks getting hotter so she looked at her coffee and took a sip. Timothée followed.

"So, where are you from?" Timothée asked.
"Shouldn't we ask our names first?" Y/n asked with a smirk.
"Fair enough. What's your name?"
"Didn't you look at my tag?" She provoked him.
"I was too focused on your eyes." He smiled.
Y/n laughed and finally said "Y/n. That's my name."
"Won't you ask mine?" Timothée asked smirking.
"Oh of course! What's your name, stranger?" She said playfully.
"What a pleasure, Mr. Timothée." Y/n said extending her hand. They shook hands and laughed.
"But tell me. Where are you from Y/n?"
"I'm from Y/c."
"Your accent doesn't give it away at all!"
"Well, I'm an actress. I kind of adopted the neutral accent for my daily life."
"You're an actress?" He asked with a surprised look on his face. "Is that why you came to New York?"
"Yeah. I just got an agent yesterday."
"Who?" He asked intrigued.
"Brian Swardstorm"
"No fucking way!" Timothée said quite loudly. "We have the same agent!"

As Timothée said this he started recalling Brian's call yesterday.

"Hey! Wassup?" Timothée said when he answered the phone.
"Hey kiddo! Everything's lovely! How you doing?" Brian replied.
"I'm amazing, man! What's the matter? Why are you calling? I thought I had my schedule full until mid-next year."
"Yes you do, don't worry. I was calling you because I just got a new actress and she reminded me of you. First, amazing acting. Impressive really. Second, her energy just reminded me of you. I think you'd love her!"
"Are you trying to set me up with someone, Brian?" Timothée said laughing.
"No, it's not that. I just think you two would get along together and she's new around here so she could use a friend that would not only know about the city and the country but about the business."
"We could grab a coffee, the three of us."
"Perfect! I'll arrange that."

"Timothée? Are you still here?" Y/n broke Timothée's chain of thought.
"Yes, yes, sorry. How did you manage to get Brian to see you though? Don't get me wrong, it's just that your new here and he's one of the big ones."
"I'm very persistent. I've been sending e-mails for six months every three months. I think he decided to see me just so I would stop emailing him." Y/n said laughing and with some pride on her face.
"Well, it worked so, congratulations! We should celebrate that! Have you celebrated this achievement already?"
"Not really."
"It can't be! I'll give you my number and you'll text me your address. I'll have a car pick you up at seven today."
"I don't know about that. For all I know that car could be taking me to a warehouse where you torture and kill people." Y/n said this while overacting so he would know she was just teasing him.
"How do you know I would kill you instead of doing other things?" He asked with a smirk on his face.
"What kind of things would you like to do to me?" Y/n asked going along with the provocation.
Timothée wasn't expecting her to ask this making him to feel hot all of a sudden.
"Dangerous territory."
"You don't even know." She smirked. "Take my phone and dial your number." Y/n said handing him her phone. They exchanged numbers. Y/n saved Timothée's number as 'Stranger' and him hers as 'Dangerous Territory". She sent him her address and got up of the bench.
"I had a lovely time, but I have some laundry to do. I guess I'll see you later." She leaned towards him and kissed both of his cheeks. "See you later, stranger!" She went her way, without looking back, leaving him with his mouth wide open, in a bench, in Tompkins Square Park.

Bagel's and coffee // Timothee x readerWhere stories live. Discover now