Chapter 16

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"What are we going to do with that now?"

"It... Um... Maybe it could be considered an artistic statement?"

"It's not an artistic statement, Evan, it's a broken ruddy window."

"Don't be negative, Felix. You only see the negative side."

"Knock it off with the Felix. And I'm seeing the negative side because there's no positive."

"There is... I mean... We can have cool temperatures in summer?"

"It's November!"

"Happy new month?"

"Ugh!" Timothee groaned, slapping his hands against his face as he walked away from the kitchen window, leaving Evan questionably staring at his achievement.

And that's how their morning started. In a couple of minutes, Evan would have to leave since his one-week-gap from Guarding was over, and he had just broken into their house from the kitchen window after spending a whole night at the front porch. Timothee, as he had specifically named it, thought that this was the worst idea Evan had ever had. And truth is, it was. Because now they had a broken window, cold air rushing into the house from it, during November. A particularly cold November in Bivium.

"We can put a pretty curtain here, Timmy." Evan hesitantly suggested scrunching up his face as he waited for Timothee to storm into the kitchen and start screaming or grab him by the neck or something. Because yes, Timothee had quite the temper.

"We already have a bloody curtain over it!" Timothee groaned, annoyed by the whole situation as he had specifically instructed Evan not to break any window and try to get in. And Evan had done the exact opposite of what was instructed.

"Yes... Um, we could break down the entire wall and have this like a patio or something?" Evan continued and Timothee, who was viciously trying to find a sweep to clean up the glass fragments from the floor, clenched his fists, counting to ten, taking in deep breaths because this situation was kind of infuriating.

"The kitchen is literally linked to our living room! You want to make the living room patio too?!" Timothee replied, coming into the kitchen with a sweep on his hands. "Move away from the glasses."

"You know, I'm just saying. Imagine if we had half the house being an extension for the patio and half a normal house." Evan continued, not moving away from the glasses, Timothee bent over, trying to pick up the thick ones with his hands.

"Glasses. Move away from them." Timothee commanded again but Evan continued talking non-stop, as usual.

"Yes, surely it would have its negatives but imagine the possibilities! Amazing... We should do it, you know? Just break down half the house a- AH!" Evan's non-stop talking was cut off by a scream of pain that escaped his lips as he stepped on a bunch of glasses in an attempt to pick over the broken window.

"Gods! I told you, MOVE AWAY FROM THE GLASSES!" Timothee immediately shot up at the sound of Evan's voice, closing his eyes as he got more pissed.

"I didn't know!"

"I told you like three times!"

"I didn't hear them!"

"Yes, because you were too busy trying to convince me to break down our home!"


"And what is it with you and this weird habit to never wear shoes or slippers or something around the house!"

"I hate shoes!"

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