Why I'm doing this

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Hey everyone!

So first, a bit about me. I'm an English major from an unspecified top American university who decided she wanted to take writing a bit more seriously, and I'm currently in a MFA creative writing program. While I don't feel comfortable posting my writing from there on Wattpad, I love the sense of community this site fosters: I was a very active user while an undergraduate and in high school, and sadly I lost my account info, so think of this as my way of giving back to the community.

So why a review shop? To be honest, you need the help. Coming back to Wattpad now as an experienced writer, even books written by the most adult, professional, veteran people I've ever met on this site suffer from rookie flaws. Flaws that could be alleviated with an understanding of craft and story structure, like I have.

Sometimes I can come off as a bit high-strung in my reviews, but I promise this is coming from a good place. I want your writing to become better. We all have something to improve. And if you didn't want your writing to get better, you wouldn't be signing up.

So if you're tired of your writing being torn apart by overambitious writers who think they know better than they do, stop soliciting other review shops and let me do it instead. A discussion of my review philosophy is on the next page, and payments and a form will follow.

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