"Okay it was Jungkook but don't tell anyone yet. I don't think he wants the rest to know. He's scared that we're still mad at him for what happened." I said pouring the secret out. Forgive me but I can't lie to this man. He gives me good sex for fucks sake.

"But we're all way past that. Even Jimin, I'm sure he'll be happy to see Jungkook." Jin said.

"Baby that's exactly what he's worried about. He left Jimin pregnant for whole 7 months. Jimin Is giving birth next month and Jungkook was never there for so many months. Jimin doesn't hold grudges and Jungkook knows that. Trust me if they fight again it will be because Jungkook left just like that without telling Jimin." I said.

I know Jimin was mad about that but he never told any of us. Anyone would love having the father of his baby present during the whole pregnancy. Being away for a month is understandable but 7 months is too long.

I'm just glad Jungkook is back. Maybe everything will go back to normal now. Just like it was. Yoongi, Hobi and Jungkook back to work together. Me back to my boring tutoring, college students are the worst because they always seduce me during study hours. Don't know how many times I've had to explain that I'm gay.
Jin will go back to his candy shop
Jimin will be raising the baby along with JK and Bet you Taehyung will always be there. That boy ain't got shit to do. I guess being born rich has its perks. All he does is whine about loving Jimin and Hobi then he buys Gucci clothes till he drops.


I walked out of my room and went to Jimins's room which was just next to mine. I opened the door without knocking but luckily I found him dressed in shorts even though he was topless. It's nothing I haven't seen just his big bump which will pop in just a month. I smiled seeing his face glowing under the light in the room.

" Is grumpy misbehaving or he's better today.?" I asked Jimin.

"Hyung stop calling my baby grumpy. I hate that name" Jimin said rolling his eyes.

"Why? He does make you grumpy. Like your mood swings are on a high" I said to him and he angrily threw a pillow on me but I ducked it just in time.

"See? You're always violent. Everything with you is a Fight now. Why? Is is because you haven't had sex in a long time?" I asked teasing him. He folded his arms pouting cutely. I smiled getting the reaction I wanted.

" Who's gonna fuck me with a bump so big? Even Jungkook was gonna be scared to do it." Jimin said.

"I would have back then. Not now though, what if the baby comes in the middle of sex?" I said continuously teasing him.

"Get out of my room hyung I wanna sleep." He said laying on the bed with his back.

" Okay I came to say goodnight anyway so jaljayo Jiminah" I said to him with a smile and small wave.

" Jaljayo hyung" he said pulling the covers up to his chest. I got out of the room after switching off the light. I went back to my room and found my phone ringing.

I smiled seeing the caller ID.

"Hello beautiful" I said smiling.

" Yoongi stop. You're always trying to make me blush" she said laughing cutely.

"It's my job. If I don't make you blush then who will?" I asked her.

"Nobody I guess...I called to say I'll be visiting my parents tomorrow" She said cutely.

"Oh? So you're going back to Thailand again?" I asked.

"Yeah I'll be back within a week though. My Mom said she wants to see me and I miss her too." She said.

"Gosh Lalisa I'll miss you." I said whining a bit.

"Stop whining Jimin will be there to keep you company" she said to me.

"So you're telling me that you're not threatened by Jimin? With everything I told you when we first met? That I liked Jimin? I was attracted to him? Do you really trust me to be around Jimin?." I asked her curiously.

"Yoongi you're straight. I honestly have no idea what happens when you see Jimin but you're straight so I'm not threatened. Those feelings are gone though right? You've got the feels for me only now right?" She asked.

"Of course Baby. I'm yours and yours alone." I said laughing.

"That's good. Look babe I'm still packing okay. I'll call you when I'm done okay?" She said.

"Okay baby. Bye" I said dropping the call.

A few seconds after hanging up a message came through on my phone. It was Lisa's text and an attached picture

Lisa: you didn't say you love me?☹️

I smiled reading the message. Gosh she's so cute.

Me : I love you baby ( I texted her)

Lisa: I love you too. (She texted back)

I smiled getting on the bed.

If you asked me who I wanted 3months ago I would have said Jimin. Without a doubt, but after we talked and he said I must find a girl I will love. I took those words to heart. Maybe it was just an attraction for all this time. Just Jimin distracting me and confusing me about my sexuality.

After meeting Lisa I realized that I could also love someone else. All that's left for me is to tell my friends about her and I'm sure they'll approve, she's a really nice girl and she's kind. She loves Jimin even though she's never met her. I just hope Jimin will love her just the same, which I know he will because he's an angel.

Everything will be back to what it was. Just is friends with our happy lives. That fucker Jungkook just has to stop being a coward and come back. We're all happy with our partners and Jimin is pregnant and happy with all of us. He needs love too. And no one can make him happy like Jungkook does, even I would have failed to do that.

A lot of guys were asking him out despite him being pregnant. He always turned them down saying.

"Hyung, I'm pregnant with someone else's baby. I can't date another man"

Honestly that was code for.... "I'm waiting for Jungkook."
That's just what I think though. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm right. No one knows...oh Jimin knows.

💜 Borahae 💜

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