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I drove to Jade's house to pick her up for school, since she didn't want to end up being late again.

She walked out and her mom waved to me, "Good morning Quince!"

She waved to me, I waved back with a grin, "Morning Mrs West."

Jade got in the passenger seat, "Let's go, Beck texted me. He's getting us breakfast."

I smiled, "We'll good morning to you too, Princess."

Jade rolled her eyes and kissed my cheek, "Morning Babe." She clipped on her seat belt and I started to drive to school.

On the way there Jade was talking to me about weekend plans for the three of us. "Just text Beck if he's free on Saturday or Sunday, I'll plan something. It'll be fun." I said.

Jade's phone chimed as she texted Beck, "He says he's free on Saturday, because on Sunday he's having a family friend visit."

I hummed as I was thinking of what to do for that weekend, "Ask him how long he can be out. I already know you, because basically don't have a curfew."

Jade smiled, "My mom's just cool like that."

I rolled my eyes, "Your mom spoils you too much."

Jade texted Beck and got an immediate answer, "He says he's free til midnight, maybe a little over."

"Okay great, I think I know what to do. Where are we meeting him at school?"

"He's in the library so we can find him there." Jade said. She held my hand as it rested on the seat compartment. I glanced at her, she was looking at me.

I grinned, "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked as I put my eyes on the road again.

"You have such a pretty face." She admitted. I chuckled, "Thanks Princess... you should sit on it." I smirked when I saw her flustered face, "W-What?"

"You should sit on it." I said it again shamelessly.

She hit my shoulder, "I heard you the first time! Don't repeat it!"

I bit my bottom lip with a smile, "I'm just joking, not today."

Jade slapped my shoulder with a red face, "Oh my god! You're such a perv!" I parked the car as we finally reached the high school.

I smirked at her, "I can already see what you're thinking about, and you call me a perv?" I leaned over and kissed her, pushing my tongue between her lips and gripping the back of her neck gently. Jade caressed my face as we continued to make our kiss deeper. I pulled away licking my bottom lip, "Now we're both pervs." I whispered. She pouted and I smiled and gave her one more kiss, "Come on Beck has our breakfast."

Jade got out of the car along with me and clung to me, "I hate you." She muttered. I pet her hair, "I love you too Princess."


We got to the library and found Beck with a big paper bag of food, "Morning Honey." I kissed him as a greeting.

Jade sat down on his right and kissed him too, "Quince was mean to me." She pouted when they pulled away.

Beck glanced at me as I sat down, "She called me a perv and I just proved a point." I said reaching into the paper bag, he looked back at Jade.

She was glaring at me, I shrugged at her and sat up getting her food. "Well, what'd he do?" Beck said as he also reached in the bag to get food.

Jade turned red, I saw her squeeze her legs together, I coughed as the realization of what I did. "I didn't mean to do that." I said as I pat my chest to control my coughing fit.

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